Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Right out of her house in Chappaqua

Not only did Hillary use a personal e-mail account for State Department business, she didn't even use a commercial provider, with precautions against hacking, power outages and the like.  No, she had her own servers and internet domain.  At home.

This sordid woman's recklessness and Nixonian secrecy may have caught up with her this time:

This is a scandal, and the Clinton camp’s determination to dig in and avoid contrition at all costs is only making it worse. What makes this truly damaging for Clinton is that the media does not have to translate this controversy to the public. Every American understands plainly what conditions might lead someone to conduct official business on a private email account that is free from oversight, and none of them are virtuous. The public understands intuitively the ramifications of this disreputable behavior, and Clinton’s defenders are only throwing gasoline on the fire by attacking the integrity of those responsible for investigating this episode.

Is there any amount of money from sultans and potentates that can erase this from the public's consciousness?

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