Friday, March 27, 2015

Architects of apocalypse

Lindsey Graham exhibits squish tendencies at least as often as he even hints at having any rightie bona fides, but he has been among those in the US Senate concerned to the point of alarm over the Most Equal Comrade's Middle East "policy," and the facial expression and sentence with which he concluded his remarks at his presser with McCain and Ayotte yesterday articulated the sentiment of what's left of a sane America.

"God help us," he said.

Another expression of the same viewpoint is worthy of an airing as well:

“We’re in a goddamn free fall here,” said James Jeffrey, who served as Obama’s ambassador to Iraq and was a top national security aide in the George W. Bush White House.
As of this morning, we find ourselves at this juncture:

There comes a point when someone supposedly in charge of a situation has blundered that responsibility so badly that regaining control is no longer possible.  This is what has happened in the case of the post-American overlords. The State Department and the White House have lost their grip on reality.

We are living in a world where the United States of America no longer matters.  The dark and ugly unfolding of events we're witnessing will shape world dynamics for years to come, and the record will show that post-America's role was as a feeble and delusional minor player at best.

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