Thursday, January 15, 2015

Western civilization rolls over on its back, exposes its underbelly and says to its enemies, "Please claw my entrails out"

Duke University's chapel will now broadcast the Muslim call to prayer every Friday.  The chapel's associate dean for religious life at the is Methodist-affiliated university says the move "represents a larger commitment to religious pluralism that is at the heart of Duke's mission."

Very nice and inclusive, right?  After all, Christian and Jewish groups have a presence on campus, right?

There's a big difference in how they're accommodated:

The chapel that will broadcast the Islamic call to prayer also hosts events for Christian and Catholic groups on campus. Duke’s Muslim students pray at the chapel despite having their own Muslim Life at Duke center on campus. Jewish students, who comprise more than ten percent of the undergraduate and graduate student populations, hold events at the privately funded Freeman Center for Jewish Life located on campus. 

And let's not forget what the national-level official Methodist view of the Holy Land  is:

 The Methodist Church has publicly supported divestmentpulling pension investments from companies tied to Israel as a method to pressure Israel to cease settlement expansion.
And Duke itself has a pretty putrid history along these lines:

In 2004, Duke University granted $50,000 in funding to the Palestine Solidarity Movement (PSM) to demonstrate on campus. The conference was so volatile that Commentary magazine announced in 2005 “The Intifada Comes to Duke.” Motivated by the PSM, award-winning student journalist Philip Kurian published an anti-Semitic op-ed in the student newspaper titled “The Jews.” Loaded with conspiracy theories, Kurian argued against what he termed Jewish “privilege,” writing,
What’s worst is that the ‘Holocaust Industry’ uses its influence to stifle, not enhance, the Israeli-Palestinian debate, simultaneously belittling the real struggles for socioeconomic and political equality faced, most notably, by black Americans.
Richard Brodhead, whose decision it was to fund the PSM on campus, is the current president of the University.

The post-American university campus: a sewer of suicidal West-hatred.

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