Monday, January 19, 2015

The embarrassing silliness to which identity politics inevitably leads

Try to keep the layers of this mess sorted out:

Approximately 300 people shut down Castro street on Saturday January 17th during the night when most people are going to bars. Activist's chose the Castro "because it is a space dominated by white middle class men, and is symbolic of the racial divide within the LGBT community and gentrification in San Francisco in general." 
Activists also wanted to draw attention to the fact that the Castro supports LGBT related organizations that are generally "apathetic" towards black and brown people.  
The protesters demands are:  
"1. Pressure San Francisco LGBT Center, Horizons Foundation, Equality CA, Human Rights Campaign, all mainstream LGBT organizations to take concrete action in support of black lives 

2. Donate money to efforts that support queer and trans black leadership including TGI Justice Project, Trans Women of Color Collective, and BreakOUT! 

3. Find alternatives to calling the police to keep our communities safe 

4. Establish safe spaces in the Castro for queer and trans black people
How does one "establish safe spaces" in public without involving the police?

How big is the "queer and trans black" demographic?

Just who is supposed to donate this money and how much?

So many questions!

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