Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Post-America's second most fearsome tool of tyranny (after the IRS) has the Pope's ear

Gina McCarthy in catching a plane for the Mediterranean, to pow-wow with Francis over the "moral" dimension of a fiction concocted for duplicitous reasons:

Radical Pope Francis said he was going to make global warming junk science his pet issuethis year.
Via The National Catholic Reporter:
The head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is scheduled to make a brief Vatican visit at the end of the week on the topic of addressing climate change.
EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy will meet there Friday with senior officials, among them Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. She is also slated to meet with Catholic journalists Friday morning and business leaders in Rome that afternoon.
The agency initiated the meeting through U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See Ken Hackett, viewing it as a unique opportunity to directly engage the Vatican.
Speaking to NCR ahead of her trip, McCarthy, an Irish Catholic from Massachusetts, described the Vatican stop as “the most important” on a five-day trip that will also have her visiting Geneva (Thursday), Rome (Friday) and Florence (Monday). She said the meetings will focus on discussing President Barack Obama’s climate action plan and EPA’s role in addressing the effects of climate change both domestically and internationally.
“Clearly, climate change is an issue that is impactful in terms of how we’re not just going to protect the most vulnerable but also take responsibility for protecting God’s natural resources,” McCarthy said.
I think that the president and myself agree that climate change is indeed a moral issue,” she said. “It is about protecting those most vulnerable, and EPA’s job, as focusing on public health and environmental protection, always tasked ourselves to look at those most vulnerable and to ensure that when we’re taking action we’re addressing their needs most effectively.”
Sure. The EPA is thinking of the “most vulnerable.” That’s why their policies are a “dagger in the heart” of the poor and Middle Class the most.

To paraphrase Winston Churchill, the truth is still donning its trousers.

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