Saturday, January 10, 2015

Lights out in Europe again

Is Western civilization in its death throes?  What else to conclude from the scenario of Paris police ordering Jewish shopkeepers to close their businesses?

This afternoon police ordered all shops in a famous Jewish neighborhood in central Paris to close.
The mayor's office in Paris announced the closure of shops along the Rosiers street in Paris' Marais neighborhood, in the heart of the tourist district and less than a mile away from the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo where 12 people were killed on Wednesday.
Hours before the Jewish Sabbath, the street is usually crowded with French Jews and tourists alike.

British Jewish Journalist Stephen Pollard says the emptying-out process is nearly complete:

In a series of tweets he said: 'Every single French Jew I know has either left or is actively working out how to leave'.

Juxtapose, for a moment, the forced closure of Jewish shops against the no-go zones across France in which sharia rule rather than French law holds sway.

Ours is a civilization without the will to survive.


  1. Shouldn't that read that police are ordering Jews to close their businesses EARLY as indicated in the linked article? Anyhow, why do you figure there is so much anti-Semitisim in France? Have a hundred thousand jews left by choice? Sounds like it.

  2. Oh, I get it, Almost of all these attacks have been carried out by Muslims. These are terrorists. How do you fight terrorists? I don't think any country or coalition knows. Kill them, right? Before or after terrorist acts? Deport all Muslims from France? Is there discrimination against them? Why not? I dunno, I have not had the opportunity nor would it be high on my list, to observe this first hand by living there for awhile. I can pretty much guess your answer: world war, right?

  3. But of course you already know this, this has been going on in France for a long time, back into the 19th Century.

  4. Not what we're seeing now. Europe has never had such a high concentration of Muslims.

    If worldwide jihad isn't defeated, it's curtains for the West.

  5. This is not worldwide jihad, it's way too loosely organized and each terrorist group has a slew of different Islamic terrorist enemies. In essence, they are a bunch of sick sick heinous thugs each with their own agenda. Sure, they can wreak a lot of havoc, but are in no way a single minded, entity capable of defeating the West at this time. So how can we really ever secure a total surrender? There is no totality to achieve this aim against.

  6. Gas all Muslims in Europe before they gas Europe? The French PM recognizes the problem.

    “There is a new anti-Semitism in France,” he told me. “We have the old anti-Semitism, and I’m obviously not downplaying it, that comes from the extreme right, but this new anti-Semitism comes from the difficult neighborhoods, from immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa, who have turned anger about Gaza into something very dangerous. Israel and Palestine are just a pretext. There is something far more profound taking place now.”

    He has also declared war on radical Islam.

    See, bloggie, others besides your ilk do indeed recognize the problem and, despite what you say, we are not going to lay down and die. What these subhumans want is to draw the entire world into war. They think that somehow they can win that with Allah on their side. There has also got to be a reason for the venom and worse directed towards Jews throughout history. Just innocent victims to you, though. Jehovah may think they're special but that sentiment has not at all been shared by many throughout their history. Why? Why? Why? I seriously doubt you will be satisfied with any future strategies. This thing is building up steam. Let's just move to another Final Solution then. How will the West know when we have been victorious?

    PS, only 20% of the Jews have left France so far, over a several year period. Yet you say British Jewish Journalist Stephen Pollard says the emptying-out process is nearly complete: How can that be?


  7. How will the west know when we have been victorious? When all Western nations forthrightly assert that their legal codes are rooted in Judeo-Christian morality, when there is not one more terrorist attack by jihadists, when multiculturalism is gone from public policy, schools and the activity of civic organizations, when the Muslim percentage of the West's population is on its way down- and the remaining Muslims are proactively assimilating into the cultures they live in, and when Jews and Christians feel secure wherever they go.

  8. Your linked Atlantic article does indeed confirm that a socialist government (France's) with which I disagree completely on economic matters has indeed been bitch-slapped upside the head by jihad and now understands that this is a war. So what is your point? Are you glad they have so awakened, or is this bad in your estimation?

  9. Europe has heard your clarion call, but 1st the wimps are just gonna march:

    PARIS — Hundreds of thousands of people including more than 40 world leaders flocked to the city Sunday to express solidarity against terrorism and pay homage to its victims.

    French President François Hollande, British Prime Minister David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu were among the leaders who linked arms to lead the march amid intense sercurity.

  10. Sure I am happy. My point is you are saying here that ours is a civilization without a will to survive, but maybe you are just trying to motivate us like some rah rah football coach, using reverse psychology. I do not think we have lost a will to survive. You do.

  11. Judeo-Christian Principles? Juden don't often like that term

    Judeo-Christian (in British English, Judaeo-Christian) is used by some to refer to a set of beliefs and ethics held in common by Judaism and Christianity. Others--usually Jews--consider it a "contradiction in terms" that "appeals to a nonexistent historical unity and calls for a banal, modernist theology." It is nevertheless a common term in American cultural and political rhetoric.


  12. Joining the pussy protesters in Paris also are slimy Muslims you want to rid the world of unless they fit your mold. Probably either leftist reportage, or a terrorist smoke screen, right?

    "These extremists... do not represent the Muslim community. We are here with the French people, with the Jews, with all countries to fight against terror" - Mehdi, Paris.LIVE coverage: ‪#‎JeSuisCharlie‬ ‪#‎MarcheRepublicaine‬

  13. That Princeton link is full of shit. You don't have to be a pointy-head to know the term refers to the thread of continuity of values and principles going through the covenant after the flood, the Ten Commandments, the Psalms of David, the Sermon on the Mount, the Parables, the Great Commandment Jesus left his followers with just before he ascended, and the apostolic letters.

    You have to be in willful denial not to see that the West has lost its will to survive. You can peruse the archives of various LITD categories such as "appeasement of rogue states," "appeasement of rogue groups," "Iran," "nuclear proliferation," "antisemitism," "Europe," and "State Department cluelessness" to see ample evidence. But some recent examples include the sending of those 5 Gitmo detainees to Uruguay, where they're free to do whatever they'd like, including return to the Mideast, the generals who say that allied airstrikes against ISIS are not enough to stop it, Global-Test's pressure on Israel to stop construction of neighborhoods in its capital, the fact that Europe is not replacing, much less growing, its native population, even as it hosts an ever-greater influx of Muslims, yet another extension of the pointless nuke talks with Iran, even as the IAEA says that Iran is not coming clean about the weaponization potential of its program. The EU hate-speech laws.

    Also, the boycott-and-disinvestment movement among many post-American universities and "Christian" denominations.

  14. If Christianity is so strong, it will survive. Someone posted this on facebook today: "Let her and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter?"
    - John Miltion

  15. And it's the jews who are the most likely to object to having the word Judeo put before Christian, not us. In another thread I see you trashing our Pope and calling for schism.

  16. I'm deeply concerned about some of this pope's positions precisely because I'm also concerned about Western civilization. The crud he says about stuff like inequality and the climate betrays a really stunted understanding of what has made the West so advanced among the world's civilizations
