Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The kick-me sign on America's back

The Senate confirms bigot and appeaser Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense.  Now that Secretary Global Test is already on his first tour of world capitals, the signal being sent to those entities probing for signs of weakness are exponentially more clear than they were in even the last days of the H-word Creature, who at least knew how to talk tough when it was to her advantage, and the rather squishy Leon Panetta.

There are, of course, a few proper objects of rage and contempt to list here.  Turncoat Pubs, the Most Equal Comrade, and the appointee himself.

I came close to blogging several times today, what with the ongoing sequester scare-mongering, the bestowing of the Best Picture Oscar by post-America's premier food desert crusader, and such local manifestations of Western civilization's death as the regional hospital in our city imploring Gov. Pence to rethink his rejection of Medicaid expansion and my city's human-rights council (the existence of which, as a taxpayer, makes my teeth grind) pushing through a redifinition of the term "family" (you know exactly how they redefined it) for purposes of "fair housing."  Alas, I focused on paid writing concerns instead, eyeing the clock for the onset of cocktail hour, which, happily, is now here.

Where my will to continue fighting comes from is something I don't entirely understand.

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