Friday, February 22, 2013

It's come to light that the terminally ill patient known as Western civilization has yet more complications

Savvy sort that you surely must be if you check in with LITD, by now you know about Samuel Betances's indoctrination sessions at the US Department of Agriculture.

Yes, of course, your reaction, like mine, is "Just wow."  Well, yes, it's gone this far.

How to unpack this development?  Do we start with the fact that the US Department of Agriculture mainly exists to dole out SNAP coupons (formerly known as food stamps), subsidize crop insurance, and put floors under commodity-price fluctuations?  Or maybe take a look back at how all this "diversity training" dog vomit insinuated itself into our society's schools, corporations and governmental bodies?  Or do we look at the fat stipends these balkanization-hustlers pull down?

How did this crud find its way into the USDA, which ostensibly exists to serve farmers, who, for all the bureaucracy that has become part of their lives, are still generally a hail and hardy bunch who slip on a tee shirt and pair of jeans and a pair of boots before dawn, down a cup of coffee and head out to the tractor barn to begin fourteen hours of busting their tails?

Well, that gets us back to the nature of the USDA, which, for all the specifics of its functions, is primarily characterized by the fact that it is a large, unwieldy governmental organization.  Such entities, for all their supposed services, really exist for two purposes: to perpetuate the job security of those working within them, and to spread the leftist agenda.

Okay, so we caught this one and brought it to light.  The videos have gone viral and talking heads on radio and television are keeping it front and center for the time being.

Just remember: squishing one cockroach like Betances does not make our house pest-free.

War is a slog, and celebrations of any victories in the skirmishes that comprise it must not distract us from the still-arduous task ahead.

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