Thursday, February 21, 2013

Another humdinger Hagel speech from 2007

This one was to the Cato Institute, and he said that negotiations with North Korea were headed in the right direction.


  1. Hindsight is always 20/20. A lot of folks were hopeful and a whole lot more than that still want to avoid another war, regardless. You are a hawk. Nobody's trying to shut you up or fire you or not hire you for that, are they? What happened to freedom? Intellectual freedom? And we will still hope for peaceful and just outcomes all over the globe regardles. Those who have lived the senseless slaughters, understandably, are the least likely to be rolling out the drums of war. So what?

    With your bellicose correctiveness and your trouncing on the peacemakers (which of course you will vehemently deny Hagel is any semblance of) are you all that different from other freedom haters throughout the world?

    Sherry Rehman, the Pakistani Ambassador to the United States, is under investigation by Pakistani police for allegedly blasphemous remarks she made more than two years ago on a Pakistani talk show, Agence France-Press reports. If convicted, Rehman could be sentenced to death.

  2. Why you like North Korean nuclear bomb tests and missile tests and propaganda videos showing American cities incinerated and why you see any merit in talks with a country that maintains several sprawling gulags where thousands of its citizens live hellish lives is beyond me.

    Peace has only ever fleetingly prevailed in human history and only then when relatively virtuous forces ensured it.

  3. The point of the post was that Hagel was dead wrong. What is so great about being dead wrong about a matter of existential seriousness? How does that qualify one to be Secretary of Defense?

  4. A lot of folks were dead wrong. So, here we are. Are you going to lump the peacemakers in with the enemy now? China is a big factor here, as you are well aware. And re: war and only relatively short times of peace. Well that was then, this is now. It has been evident since the 20th Century that we simply MUST. Put an end to war or it soon will be the end of us. I know, I know, peace through strength. That's OK. there are minute drones being created that can really reak things out. I wold rather have a dove in there than the likes of Cheney's boy Rummie.

  5. Today, after 16 months of intense and difficult negotiations with North Korea, we have completed an agreement that will make the United States, the Korean Peninsula, and the world safer. Under the agreement, North Korea has agreed to freeze its existing nuclear program and to accept international inspection of all existing facilities.

    This agreement represents the first step on the road to a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula. It does not rely on trust."

    President William J. Clinton

    Bill Clinton: Remarks on the Nuclear Agreement With North Korea

    The American Presidency Project

    October 18, 1994
