Wednesday, January 30, 2013

No wonder consumer confidence has been plunging

The economy contracted at an annual rate of 0.1 percent in the last quarter of 2012.


  1. Yep. You wanted spending cuts and gripe about where they were cut. The Pazyroll Tax Holiday was nice while it lasted but it was meant to be temporary. The stock and housing markets are recovering nicely, thank you, and the too big to fail banks and AIG are repaying their loans. Things are definitely decidedly upbeat. Let's keep up the good work, America!

  2. Spending cuts? Exactly where are those?

    We all know what needs to be done:

    Repeal FHer-care

    Start putting SS & Medicare on the path to privatization

    Get rid of capital-gains taxes altogether

    Either put income tax on a flat-tax footing in the 10 to 17 percent range or replace it with a consumption tax

    Dismantle the Departments of Health and Human Services, Energy, Education, Commerce and Labor. Dismantle the EPA.

    Seal the southern border.

    Drop all efforts to impose stricter gun laws.

    Reaffirm that the federal government defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

    Convene a summit of our actual allies: the UK, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Canada, Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic to strengthen the commitment to mutual protection.

    As I say, we all know this, even the Freedom-Haters, and it is because of the fact that they know it that we can say unequivocally that their agenda is to bring down Western civilization.

  3. No we do not all know this. These things are what Romney-Ryan stood for and they lost. I am so glad we did not have to endure an abrupt retutn to Cheneyism with our foreign policy. Whoo, relatively close call there. And your Nettie over in Israel has had considerable wind knocked out of his bellicocious sails too. You might have to come up with a different argument that "this," whatever it is, is intentional. It is not working for you. Things are definitely looking up. On many fronts but you will continually root for it all to fail.

  4. Again, why you want to see a US economic collapse and a nuclear Iran is incomprehensible to me.

  5. Been there and almost did that total economic collapse under Bush/Cheney and we appear to be finally starting to pull out of that. The resurgence of the housing market is real and that is a coming whopper of a shot in the arm for the emplyment numbers as well.

    Now what did Secretary of State Kerry just say about a nucllear Iran?

    And to think you would have already been crediting Romney/Ryan for all this recent good news. Happy days sure appear to be arriving again. So, can you at least try to put on a fake happy face?

  6. You're engaging in self-parody, correct?

  7. Incorrecto, the whole truth and nothing but.

  8. “I repeat here today: our policy is not containment. It is prevention and the clock is ticking on our efforts to secure responsible compliance,” he told lawmakers in prepared remarks at a hearing to confirm him as the next top U.S. diplomat.

    Read more at:

  9. Would the same John Kerry who told an Iranian official, at a conference in Geneva, that the US had become an "international pariah?" Or who said, also in 2004, that the US ought to have to pass a "global test" in order to act to pursue its interests? Or who, in 1984, went to Nicaragua and told the Sandinistas that the Dems in Congress would do whatever they could to thwart the Reagan administration's support for the resistance? Or, who, in 1971, took it upon himself to meet with North Vietnamese Communists in Paris?

  10. Many Wall Street strategists and economists say real estate will not only cease to be a drag on the U.S. economy but also will lead the recovery this year. Real estate investment trusts are seeing net-operating-income growth of 4% and paying dividends of 3% to 5%.

    Read more at:
