Saturday, November 30, 2019

Even when signing the two bills supporting the Hong Kong protesters, the VSG has to genuflect to Xi

What to remember when the throne-sniffers try to make this look like an act of foreign-policy vision and courage:

And here is how their hero, “Pantywaist” Trumpkov, explained his signage of the bills, for the signing of which he had already publicly begged for Xi’s forgiveness in advance on live television:
“I signed these bills out of respect for President Xi, China, and the people of Hong Kong. They are being enacted in the hope that Leaders and Representatives of China and Hong Kong will be able to amicably settle their differences leading to long term peace and prosperity for all,” Trump said in a statement.
If you can read that statement three times, and yet continue to call Trump’s act a “major rebuke” to China, then congratulations! You’ve just become an honorary regional vice-president of the Trump Cult!
He signed it “out of respect for President Xi” and “China” — and oh, yeah, also the people of Hong Kong. Because he hopes they will all be able to “settle their differences,” which is what we all hope for when a totalitarian giant is trying to subdue a tiny and defenseless independence-minded city-state, isn’t it?
This “president” just gets punier and punier every day, doesn’t he? (That’s “huger and huger” for those of you in the cult, of course.)
Gotta protect the trade-relations atmosphere for that big deal, because winning in deals everything to the Very Stable Genius. Plus, he reserves his real respect for autocrats. He likes tough guys (think here Mike Tyson).   He doesn't think military personnel who've been captured are as heroic as those who weren't (think here John McCain). 

What a small person.

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