Saturday, October 6, 2018

He's confirmed - very brief initial thoughts

About to take a Saturday afternoon drive through the hill country with my wife and find some place to stop in for something to drink and eat, but given that we just witnessed history, a word in real time seems warranted.

What strikes me most is the savagery of the leftists in the gallery. They know the rules. Members of the public are to keep their mouths shut and watch the proceedings. These creatures were completely out of control, a frenzied mob. They were behaving like wild animals. They interrupted the voting process several times.

It's an encapsulation of the foreseeable future. The climate in our nation is not going to get less ugly.

With that in mind, it's gratifying to the core of my being to see Republicans more unified than they have been in perhaps decades. At this point, Donald Trump's temperament is far from the central issue on the Republicans' plate - or the nation's. The evil that is the modern Left is.

The battle plan is clear: pray, vote, defend first principles, and find a way to participate civically.

I don't know if post-America can once again become the United States of America, but on days like this, I am encouraged in believing that it's possible.


  1. A mist gathered in my eyes from a pain in my heart that half the country can't accept a judge they feel and/or think cannot will not rule impartially and justly on issues affecting all Americans. A confirmation should be neutral. Deservedly so or no, K broke under pressure and showed a frightening dark side making half the country happy and the other half not. Some United States. More like the United Republicans of America you're again so proud of Bully for you and your bully president of the Divided States of America he vowed to unite through patriotism (likely meaning war and likely soon).

  2. The Constitution lives to see another day.

  3. If the half of the country that you’re talking about would give up its utterly insane leftism it would feel much better.

  4. Yes, the demonstrators shot themselves in the foot for now. I suppose it does not matter whether they think they were right or that their numbers are far greater than any tea party demonstrations. We shall see how many of them march to the ballot box. Teump, as we've seen, can do a lot of damage within a 2 year period.

  5. Let your tribal blinders slip for just a moment and you would admit to yourself that if this were an analogous business situation, you would -- for the sake of the enterprise -- take a pass on Brett Kavanaugh in a heartbeat, and move on to the ready stack of other prospects...all of whom had equivalent or superior qualifications.

  6. Sure. My first choice was Barrett. More conservative. But once it became about what it turned into, there was no way to choose any course but moving forward. Abandoning a fine man, who is also an excellent jurist, and who is completely innocent of all the hard left's charges against him would not have been possible for any decent person to live with.

    1. To point out the double-edged nature of your own argument, you do not have a SINGLE SHRED of evidence exonerating the Kegmeister. Not one. Indeed, in one claim after another he gave testimony that was undeniably false and/or misleading. Even the evidence Keganaugh presented in his own hand that was supposed to prove that he was way too busy to drink and grope, turned out to show quite the least on July 1st, and possibly others...though the FBI made no attempt to discern if the location fit Ford's description (and we all thought Barney Fife had retired...).

      Like I requires peeking around the blinders...
