Thursday, June 21, 2018

Charles Krauthammer, RIP

Of course, the eloquent public farewell came a couple of weeks ago, but now it's final. Charles Krauthammer has passed away.
He was an athletic young man who was rendered quadriplegic in a diving accident. He summoned his academic advisor to his hospital room to determine how he could graduate with the rest of his Harvard medical school class.

He'd actually been attracted to political and cultural polemics, but family pressure had driven him into the medical course. 

Came to DC as a Democrat, a Carter-administration mental-health policy analyst and Mondale speechwriter. Had his conversion experience observing Reagan handling the Cold War.
Along with the Three Pillars . . . 
1.) Free-market economics, which begins with the premise that a good or service is worth what buyer and seller agree that it is worth - period. No other party has any business being involved in that agreement - certainly not government.
2.) An understanding that Western civilization has been a unique blessing to humankind. (Judeo-Christian morality, Greco-Roman model of representative democracy, the great scientific and artistic achievements.)
3.) A foreign policy based on what history tells us about human nature. This plays itself out as our allies knowing we have their backs, our adversaries respecting us, and our enemies fearing us.
. . . conservatism is about dignified bearing, intellectual depth, humility and wisdom. He embodied that like few others.

May God welcome him into his eternal embrace.

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