Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Left: thugs when they're in power, thugs when they're out

Opera star Andrea Bocelli and stage actress / singer Jennifer Holliday have each reversed their plans to sing at Friday's inauguration. 

Of course, it was due to intense intimidation.

In Bocelli's case, that took the form of death threats.

It seems to work.

When the identity-politics jackboots raised a firestorm over Indiana's RFRA bill (up to and including a social-media threat to burn down a Christian-owned pizza parlor), the state legislature went back to the drawing board and watered it down.

When the NBA, the NCAA, Bruce Springsteen and some major corporations boycotted North Carolina over its bill to see to it that public-school students entered restrooms according to their God-given genitals and DNA, that state reversed course.

And now this.

This election shifted some important pieces of the post-American puzzle. What it did not do was lessen the polarization of our society.


  1. Death threats are usually the purview of the few, the criminal and the cowardly. You can't ascribe them to any entire political party. Anyhow, what about all the big acts who told Trump No? Both during the campaign and now. Don't they have more balls than all you conservatives sucking up to him now?

  2. This conservative isn't sucking up to him. The ones who are have lost their credentials.
