Tuesday, January 10, 2017

It's still late in the day - today's edition

I tend to concur with David French's assertion that the Left still prevails culturally in post-America, even in the wake of the massive state-and-federal-level victories for Republicans in November:

Even while Streep was still speaking, conservative Twitter sparked to life, making all these critiques and more. Yet there was one sentiment that I thought was misplaced, a dash of triumphalism that rang hollow. “This is why Trump won,” said some. “Keep talking like this, and Trump wins again,” said others. In the narrow political sense, there’s some truth to this. Lots of voters don’t like to be hectored. Lots of voters defy Hollywood’s commands.
Indeed, since 1968 — when the modern Left really got rolling — the Democratic party has been largely losing ground. It’s lost most presidential races, it’s lost its stranglehold on the House of Representatives, it has lost the Senate, and now its fortunes in the states are at a low ebb. For all their celebrity star power, the Democrats are the weakest they’ve been in generations.
But in that same period, whose cultural values have most advanced? The secular Left has taken a sledgehammer to God, family, and country — the pillars of our national culture — and Hollywood has led the way. American irreligiosity is rising, the family (especially in our most vulnerable communities) is collapsing, and generations of children are now raised to view their nation not as a flawed but indispensable beacon of freedom but rather as a bigoted oppressor, an instrument of evil across the globe. 

In fact, it’s strange to even think of Trump as somehow a triumph over Hollywood. In many ways, he is Hollywood — a towering celebrity who has exhibited and lived exactly the personal values that fill the pages of People magazine and Us Weekly. To “beat” Hollywood, the GOP turned to Hollywood. It can mock celebrity culture no longer. 

Hollywood sells the best cultural drugs. Truth is optional, self-indulgence is a virtue, and bullying is bravery. And last night it was all wrapped in Streep’s alluring package, an emotion-laden call to arms that stirred the hearts of millions.

Over the long sweep of history, what matters more? Donald Trump’s immigration policy or the fate of the family? Paul Ryan’s entitlement reforms or the faith of a nation? The fate of the family and the faith of the nation narrow and constrain our politics, limiting our choices to those options that are palatable to an increasingly dependent people. Hollywood is helping redefine our nation’s character. And if the Left keeps winning our culture, the GOP can keep winning our politics and the nation will still lose.

So laugh all you want at Streep, conservatives. When it comes to the things that truly matter, she’s winning, we’re losing, and Donald Trump isn’t going to turn the tide.
Still, it's hard not to see an impending crackup on the Left, as identity politics demands such impossible contortions of its adherents that the fissures can't be healed:

The New York Times published a story today about racial divisions that are springing up around the Women’s March on Washington, the progressive event scheduled for the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration. At the core of the story is Jennifer Willis, a white woman from South Carolina who was planning to attend the march with her daughters. But after reading something online which she found off-putting, Willis decided to cancel her trip. From the NY Times:
Ms. Willis, the South Carolina wedding minister, had been looking forward to the salve of rallying with people who share her values, a rarity in her home state, where she said she had been insulted and shouted at for marrying gay couples.
But then she read a post by ShiShi Rose, a 27-year-old blogger from Brooklyn.
“Now is the time for you to be listening more, talking less,” Ms. Rose wrote. “You should be reading our books and understanding the roots of racism and white supremacy. Listening to our speeches. You should be drowning yourselves in our poetry.”
Willis felt offended at the assumption that she wasn’t already aware of her advantages but told the NY Times, “The last thing that is going to make me endeared to you, to know you and love you more, is if you are sitting there wagging your finger at me.”
For her part, ShiShi Rose tells the Times she wasn’t trying to discourage anyone from attending the march, but adds, “I needed them to understand that they don’t just get to join the march and not check their privilege constantly.”
The last word in the piece is given to Willis who asks, “Can you please tell me what that means?” I think she already has an instinctive sense of what it means, which is why she was offended. It’s progressive code for: Shut up! 
But maybe that's the endgame, what final leftist "victory" looks like: Somali-level anarchy and the momentary rule of a succession of tribal warlords.

You know, something like a state of affairs in which "many . . . fall away, and betray one another and hate one another . . . [and] many false prophets  . . . arise and lead many astray."

The more the 21st century progresses, the more I come to see the importance of cultivating traits like humility and clarity. I'm less inclined to see any of my fellow fallen mortals as the embodiment of all I hope to see prevail in this realm.

One encounters much talk in conservative enclaves of reversing the cultural rot depicted above by French - that sledgehammer that has been taken to our culture's pillars. I'm beginning to see that such a process will not be birthed at any kind of convention held in some big urban hall or in the panel discussions in the banquet rooms at some scenic resort. There will be no drafting of a document that will serve as our unshakable road map to a future of restoration.

There will be no New Era for the material realm in which safety, peace, happiness, general prosperity and comity reign without disruption.

There is no substitute for the real work we must do: fix our gaze on our real home and pray that He who reigns there will have the mercy to let us in.


  1. Kyrie Eleison, the age old cry goes out daily, as it has for over 2 Millennia in a church near most.

  2. But even the Pope gets politized out of credibility for some who cannot comprehend

  3. If you have time, I know you've enumerated the reasons for the ruin, but can you run them by me once more. I presume it's illegal immigration (these humans work hard and have mouths to feed too and would not have bothered to come here if no one paid them for years and years), the gay revolution (I have a brother, a nephew, a couple cousins and friends who are gay and they all say they were born that way, but I guess you think they're liars, sinners and just bad people to deny the right to be in the military and other occupations and to berate and humiliate in the media and conversation), marijuana users (no way it's even close to being as bad as alcohol, no argument whatsoever there). So, other than those Big 3, and, of course the dissolution of the family which is occurring across all demographic strata nearly everywhere on the globe, and, of course abortion which has always been with us on this earth and has been legal since 1973 now in this government of laws, can you tell me just how bad it is?

  4. And if you want people to come to Jesus, why not start with an altar call in the Israel you want us to suit up and die for, if need be?

  5. You have indeed enumerated two important examples of ruin - illegal immigration, which makes a mockery of the rule of law and national sovereignty, the mainstreaming of homosexuality up to and including the SCOTUS decision about "marriage," which is impossible by definition. (You are mistaken that my position is that they are liars or bad people.)

    I have never said that marijuana policy was a major factor in the ruination agenda.

    Here are some others:

    1.) The deliberate backing away from the US position of world leadership, predicated on the notion that assuming that position is an act of arrogance. We've seen it in the 2009 apology tour, sitting through Daniel Ortega's anti-US diatribe at the OAS meeting without even making any subsequent remarks let alone walking out of it, accepting the Noam Chomsky book from Hugo Chavez at the same meeting, the Iranian New Year greetings to Ayatollah Khameini, doggedly pursuing an "agreement" on Iran's nuclear program, nixing the strategic defense systems for Poland and the Czech Republic, the tone of every one of the MEC's UN General Assembly addresses (which included such assertions as that the US has its own human-rights struggles, and that Ferguson is an example thereof), inaction on Assad crossing the chemical-weapons red line, and the shameful treatment of Israel.

    2.) The "A"CA, which made health care less affordable for most people, limited their ability to care for their health as they see fit, caused attrition among healthcare professionals, and caused chaos in the insurance industry.

    3.) The race-baiting intrusion of the federal Department of Justice into local crime situations.

    4.) Hosting vulgar "entertainers" at White House functions, including a hip-hop artist wearing a house-arrest ankle bracelet.

    5.) The prioritization at the CIA and departments of State and Defense of making "transgendered" people - that is, people whose mental disturbances have them convinced that they are a gender other than what their DNA says they are - "comfortable."

    6.) Adding as much to the national debt in his eight years of rule as had been incurred in the previous 200-plus years.

    7.) Ruinous and tyrannical meddling in the energy industry, such as making good on his vow to bankrupt the coal business, nixing the Keystone XL pipeline, subsidizing wind and solar "companies" that have for the most part gone bankrupt, and putting prime oil fields off-limits for drilling.

    There's a list of seven more. Let me keep thinking.

  6. 1)Re: backing away from world leadership. Our very wealth and our democracy in a government of laws makes it the current undisputed leader of the world. There has been no backing away from that. None. You have to recognize and begin to understand the Tao as embodied in leading from behind, but I'd wager you're a Michael the Archangel kick ass kinda guy.

    More later, I'm tired at the time...

  7. Chavez (now deceased as humans tend to become eventually) gave Obama the 317-page "Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent" written by Uruguayan journalist Eduardo Galeano and first published in 1971. What did you expect Obama to do, cross his arms and refuse to accept it?

  8. I know they're both probably dumbasses in your view, but I think they might have been qualified to know there are differing points of view stacking libraries all over the world in various languages. I don't recall anyone ever claiming it was Holy Writ or something.

  9. No book ever threatened me, but they're not supposed to threaten MLSs.

  10. Re: the MEC and the book: yes, that's exactly what I expected. For him to turn to Chavez in front of the world's press and say, "Mr President, I can't accept this book and you know why. The fact that you have engaged in this highly offensive stunt does not bode well for relations between our countries"

    1. This was almost 8 years ago, nothing happened but Chavez died and Venezuela continued to tank and why should he start a fight. Then I'd have to explain to my grandkids that a book pissed our big Prexy off.

  11. When I find time I plan to continue rebutting your points, barely a one of which points to any real lasting moral and cultural decline.

  12. Nothing happened? The whole world - allies and enemies alike - saw on full display the utter lack of interest on the part of a US president in defending his nation's honor, a strong signal as to how to proceed with their own interests.

  13. It doesn't take a genius to doubt any sincere effort by the US to broker a peace where only dissension has reigned. Now the wind blows hot and fierce so of course it's onto something that by any other name will be just more shock and awe, bullets flying, enemies, including women and children dying. Such has been the scene since World War II. I'm just taking what I think is a God's eye view. 1.3 Mil gooks flattened during our decade in Nam. We still mourn our 50K or so dead.

  14. Nothing happened. You are now gonna see things you have longed for happen. Yay!

  15. I don't recall anything remotely approaching 1 Million human beings killed under Obama's watch and that's what I'm talking about.
