Saturday, January 21, 2017

Scenes from today's nationwide feminist rant

Ashley Judd keeps it classy:

Judd said, “I am not as nasty as racism, fraud, conflict of interest, homophobia, sexual assault, transphobia, white supremacy, misogyny, ignorance, white privilege. I’m not as nasty as using little girls like Pokemon before their bodies have even developed. I am not as nasty as your own daughter being your favorite sex symbol, like your wet dreams infused with your own genes. But, yeah, I’m a nasty woman, a loud, vulgar proud woman. I’m not nasty, like the combo of Trump and Pence being served up to me in my voting booth. I’m nasty like the battles my grandmothers fought to get me into that voting booth. I’m nasty, like the fight for wage equality. Scarlett Johansson, why were the female actors paid less than half of what the male actors earned last year? See, even when we do go into higher paying jobs, our wages are still cut with blades sharpened by testosterone.”
"Cut with blades sharpened by testosterone."


Lisa Belkin, the national correspondent for Yahoo News, accompanied a busload of gals from Louisville out to Washington .

The plan was to drive on Friday in order to ignore the inauguration. “Counterprogramming,” joked Bridget Pitcock, chief of staff at a managed care company in Louisville. This trip was her idea. Reading about early plans for the march soon after Election Day, she called her wife of three years, Meg Hancock, and announced they would need to rent a van and fill it with others who were “outraged and in despair.”
Now they had, and once the van was filled to bursting with people, luggage and hand-drawn signs, Hancock, an assistant professor of sports administration at the University of Louisville, paused before taking the driver’s seat to offer a prayer she’d written a few days before.
“Let’s take a moment of silence for the world we knew,” she said. “If you march to say ‘f*** you’ to Trump, I get that. But if you march to say ‘f*** yeah’ for women, for people of color, for the disenfranchised, I’ll be the first to hand you a megaphone. The fact is, today we know our world changes, but it’s not because Donald Trump says it does. It’s because we say it does. And we say how it does.
“Because today,” Hancock continued, “is a demonstration of our commitment to each other, to our LGBT brothers and sisters. To our our black and brown brothers and sisters. To our Muslim brothers, but especially our sisters. To our Syrian refugees, to our immigrants. To our homeless, our poor, our hungry. We commit to listen, to seek to understand, to stand up, to rise up, to educate, to advocate. Our world changes today not because of Donald Trump. Our world changes today because of us. And it is an honor to be a part of that change with you.”
A nineteen-year-old engages in some vicarious gushing, and granny is gratified:

“My nana fangirled over Gloria Steinem and Angela Davis,” said Blair Wilson, a 19-year-old college student who was traveling to the march with her grandmother, Linda Wilhelms. A veteran of marches — her first protest, in 1969, was against the Vietnam War — Wilhelms was excited to introduce her only granddaughter to this world. “Having her there, experiencing the emotions and energy of the event, was my motivation to attend,” Wilhelms said. “She is an amazingly strong-willed, opinionated young woman. I have worked hard to help her develop a sense of right and wrong, and she is all I ever hoped she would be. She is my hero!”
If you're not cool with the extermination of fetal Americans, your group isn't welcome at these rallies:

Thursday, New Wave Feminists applied for and were granted status as an event partner.

They provided the Women’s March with a biography, a link to their Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and contact information on two board members. “It’s not like we snuck in there and they didn’t know we were pro-life,” said New Wave Feminsit’s Founder and President Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa said. In fact, she made it clear, saying on the application “while we are a pro-life group, our main goal is not to make abortion illegal, we want to make it unthinkable and unnecessary by supporting women.” So, while they didn’t agree on abortion, they agreed on most things and, not being an event about abortion, there was no reason these women shouldn’t be included. Harmony amongst women was achieved.

Then, the Altantic ran an article yesterday which reported on the inclusion of pro-life feminists and the internet immediately melted down. “A differing opinion on one facet of feminism! Quel horreur!” Fainting couches were put into use and smelling salts were brought into the safest of spaces to protect the fairer sex to the affront of hearing a different opinion.
Herndon-De La Rosa said that the response on social media was unbelievable “Twitter exploded and everyone (was saying) ‘Oh my God, I can’t believe someone else has a different opinion on something than me, I can’t handle it.'” she recalled, shocked at the reaction to diversity of thought. “It was the most asinine thing. This is a march for women. Guess what? We all thinks different things, and that’s ok and you’re not so fragile that you can’t handle me marching next to you because I support women in a different way than you do when they’re facing crisis pregnancies.”
Then, their name disappeared from the Women’s March website. No communication, no explanation (although the Women’s March did later tweet that New Wave Feminists were only ever added as an error, but the timing is questionable), just poof. Gone.  
Madonna speaks of "blowing up the White House." 

Plus she drops F-bombs faster than the TV networks can hit their mute buttons.

This being 2017, "mainstream" news outlets have to take note of the racial makeup of crowds like these, and whaddya know, The Washington Post finds they are mostly white.




  1. Their plaints are legion. Though you try to marginalize, to demonize, their voice must be heard. Besides, how else are we gonna curry their favor. They do dispense goodies we delight in.

  2. I dunno about the racial make-up, but in Jacksonville where there are a lot of blacks, they were chanting black lives matter which of course disqualifies them. It was the largest demonstration in US history and the marginalization and the demonization goes on. How long is that gonna work for ya?

  3. The Trump Justice Department will take care of Madonna. Will Trump tweet it out? As for those against the extermination of fetal Americans, well, they protest at all clinics and a few crazies have killed and maimed over it over the years. I'm not cool with it either, and it's a Pandora's box we opened, but this is the way our country works: we operate under laws, not men. From what I saw, these millions of women in hundreds of places were overwhelmingly peaceful. What's so terrible about a potty mouthed woman?

  4. Each individual citizen will have to make their peace with it all as the world turns. That's all.

  5. If you're not cool with it, then is there really anything else for you to say on the subject?

    And the business about each individual citizen making his - OR HER, LET"S NOT FORGET - peace, that can only be done as we all beckon the on true living God into our hearts.


  7. Not a single arrest in DC during the march.

  8. The "Nettie" comment is just plain weird. I assume you're talking about the prime minister of Israel. How does he figure into the discussion at hand?

    Oh, I see your link to this article about Israeli abortion law. But I still don't understand your point. Is it that the US ought to follow suit? Is it that the Knesset made a mistake? You need to clarify or I'm completely puzzled.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. You do too know who Nettie is, a name closer to his real one I gave him like you gave Obama MEC and Trump Squirrel Hair. I've used it many times here. It's just that you've taken to becoming some sort of prophet here when it comes to America and God, yet ignore the blots on Israel's soul. Do they believe in and beckon the "on (sic) true living God into (their) hearts?"

    Word just in that, breaking with over 50 years of policy, the US has given Nettie the go ahead to build those cool houses on the hills for their chosen ones in disputed territories. That should be sufficient for more living breathing already-born Americans to meet untimely deaths since we so got their backs now to build build build for theirs' the one true Dead God Yahweh, who did not send his only begotten son to save them says they're entitled to and looks like we might have to squander our blood and treasure and that of many other heinous humans also apparently not on board with that "on true living God?"

    A couple million women for marching to save a law we enacted over 40 years ago? So what does the "on true living God" have to do with squat her?

  11. "For some, this comes as good news. After all, Numbers 24 prophesies the destruction of the Sethites, which is pretty much everyone outside of the nation of Israel. For most of us, that’s not good news."

  12. And as monikers go "Nettie" is pretty lame. At least I try to convey something about the person in question.

    And you're way off the subject again with the talk about "disputed territories." Maybe I need to establish a rule about staying on-topic. Lots of sites have them.

    And the line "what does the "on true living God" have to do with squat her?" sound to me like atheistic nihilism.

    And you still haven't answered my question about Israeli abourtion law. Not that I expected you to.

  13. I thought I did, they should be as damned as we are for allowing abortion.

  14. All Western societies are afflicted with this decadence. We must pray for them, as well as be a voice for reversal of the trend.

  15. Oh now we get the all Western societies affliction bit. Before we were doomed because of that leftist prexy.

  16. Let's stay away from caricatures of the situation, shall we? The West's affliction did not begin and end with the MEC's swearing-in and departure.
