Tuesday, June 7, 2016

How advanced is the rot? - today's edition

Just wow:

When I decry the indoctrination occuring in the government schools I'm often chastised by my liberal friends for over-reacting. Well, it turns out that ideas do have consequences, and one such consequence is the elevation of Gaia worship over traditional morality.
When asked to rank a series of action statements (lying, over-eating, stealing, etc) according to a five-point scale: "always OK," "usually OK," "neither wrong nor OK," "usually wrong" and "always wrong," teens and young adults rank "not recycling" as more immoral than viewing pornographic images. Combining the percentages of those who chose always and usually wrong for each statement, theft (taking something that belongs to someone else) ranked #1 at almost nine in 10 (88%). Not recycling ranked #4 at 56 percent, and porn was all the way down at #9 with only a third (32%) of teens and young adults ranking it as morally wrong. [Emphasis mine]
We are at a point where our teens consider viewing porn less of a moral issue than over-eating, energy consumption and not recycling. 
Because "over-eating, energy consumption, and not recycling" are three issues the progressive left insists on emphasizing, over and over, brainwashing our children with apocalyptic visions of rising sea levels washing away a population of overweight sloths. Absent a sense of perspective, of course. 
And naturally too, downplaying the detrimental effects of viewing porn is another deliberate decision. Porn desensitizes children to the spiratuality of sexual relations. Porn shows them that it's "normal" to engage in immoral activities. And the generation that came of age on "free love" is now teaching our kids that sexually, anything goes.
This is what comes of moral relativism, the belief that there are no absolutes, only shades of gray. It's a belief that "good" and "evil" are merely 2 sides of the same coin, and one is not inherently better than the other. Absolute morality, of the kind espoused by the likes of organized religion, has become verboten, replacing relativity with relativism.
Which is why our educators do not provide perspective when expounding on the perils of Climate Change, or racism, or homophobia, or Islamophobia, or in fact any of their radical pronouncements. When all ideas are "equal," nothing has value. Or rather, everything has the same value, and that value is defined by the person espousing it.
Alas, men need something or someone to worship. It's human nature. If God is taken out of the equation, then another deity, the State or the planet or the self, rushes in to fill the void. So we begat a generation of kids whose morality is skewed. 
And thus does the death-rattle of the West become the overwhelming noise.


  1. Well, you can always show them you are Christian by your great love, and then they will know, right?

  2. Preach the gospel always; if necessary, use words." --attributed to Francis of Assisi, but I hear he neither said this nor did he write his Peace Prayer.

  3. I think maybe it's not just late in the day, but lights out. But then I remember that He has overcome the world.
