Saturday, June 25, 2016

How advanced is the rot? - today's edition

This advanced:

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill issued a guide this week which instructs students that Christmas vacations and telling a woman “I love your shoes!” are “microagressions.”
The taxpayer-funded guide — entitled “Career corner: Understanding microaggressions” — also identifies golf outings and the words “boyfriend” and “girlfriend” as microagressions.
The UNC Chapel Hill guide, published on Thursday, covers a wide range of menacing microaggressions — which are everyday words that radical leftists have decided to be angry or frustrated about.
Christmas vacations are a microagression, the public university pontificates, because “academic calendars and encouraged vacations” which “are organized around major religious observances” centralize “the Christian faith” and diminish “non-Christian spiritual rituals and observances.”

And you'd best zip it with the footwear compliments, And listen up, you bourgeoise pig, the proletariat has had it with your golf outings:

The microagression of liking shoes occurs when someone says “I love your shoes!” “to a woman in leadership during a Q & A after a speech.” So it’s a very specific microagression. The problem, the University of North Carolina document declares, is that the shoe admirer values appearances “more than” “intellectual contributions.”
Similarly, the public school pronounces, interrupting any woman who is speaking is a microagression.
Golf outings are also a microagression, the University of North Carolina says, because suggesting a “staff retreat at the country club” or even just “a round of golf” “assumes employees have the financial resources” to participate in the “fairly expensive and inaccessible sport.”
Quite obviously we're going to have to pass on the great canon of the works of Western literature, philosophy, history and scientific discovery by some means other than the university model. The jackboots have been wildly successful in their quest to ruin it.



  1. I was at the copier yesterday when a 50ish black gal with a 60ish white gal came and the black gal who I have known for about 5 years said "John's sending letters to his girlfriend again." I replied, "you gals can just say anything, can't you, and us guys love it."

  2. A lovely vignette, but what am I supposed to derive from it?

  3. A lovely vignette, but what am I supposed to derive from it?

  4. Ain't no rot within the body dingle.

  5. er, cultural rot. But his brain finds it much less fun out there when you worry about what you say for fear of offending someone. Except for this safe space here.

  6. As for the great canon of the works of Eastern & Western literature, philosophy, history:
    It's got a groove, it's got a meaning
    STEM is the time, is the place, is the motion
    STEM is the way we are feeling....

  7. Great minds think alike. Prager posted this too on face.

    Dennis Prager shared PragerU's post.
    6 hrs ·

    PragerULike Page
    10 hrs ·
    "Even a simple compliment like 'I love your shoes,' at least when addressed to a woman in leadership during a Q&A after a speech, really means 'I notice how you look and dress more than I value your intellectual contributions. How you look is really important.' "

    Colleges have lost their minds...

    UNC says golf outings and the words 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend' are microaggressions.
    The new microaggression list is available on UNC's Employee Forum website.

    Sarah Abigail Kuriakos Well, first off, I don't guess I'll be going to UNC anytime soon. Secondly, if I talk about my own boyfriend does that mean I'm microaggressing against myself? And last but certainly not least, these people (at UNC) are just stupid!!
    Adam Dorsey microaggression is simply another buzz word that liberals use for making what used to be common into something evil and bad and shameful. How 'bout you practice what you preach and stop labeling everybody else and just keep to yourselves?
    Kevin O'Connell I used to let BS like this get to me but in the spirit of tolerance I realized I shouldn't judge the mentally ill.
    Brian Benenhaley Gee when somebody says they like my tie I thought it was a well intentioned compliment. Now I realize they should be reported to HR. Thanks for helping me realize I'm a victim. Ughhhh. Lord help us

    Randa Geels Money Thanks goodness they have all that cute duct tape now. Maybe I can get some to match my eyeshadow when I put it over my mouth.

    Allie Postowskivich I'd like to up the ante, here is a macroaggression for them... they're idiots.

    Darla Morgan Ottman I'll have to check their catalog for their mind-reading course...

    David Stoddard "I don't know how to make a kid into a Viking, but I do know how to turn him into a pussy: just keep doing what we're doing"

    Sean Wardak We(and by we,I mean these morons) have reached a new low in stupidity.
    Like · Reply · 5 hrs
    1 Reply
    Dennis Crosby
    Dennis Crosby And these kinds of 'microagressions' have to be resolved before we can tackle beheadings.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
    Steven Kinder
    Steven Kinder This is why people love Milo Yiannopoulos and vote for Trump
    Like · Reply · 1 · 4 hrs
    Neal Adler
    Neal Adler The inmates are running the asylum.
    Like · Reply · 4 · 4 hrs
    Frank Cesarski
    Frank Cesarski Microaggressions only trouble micro minds.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 32 mins
    Bill Sarkisian
    Bill Sarkisian Can I get disability for microagressing myself with compliments? Like, I get compliment Tourrettes, keep telling myself these pants don't make myself look fat...can I get money and an Obama phone for that?
    Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
    Kimberly Wilson
    Kimberly Wilson Schools of indoctrination.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs
    Michael Moretti
    Michael Moretti more garbage from bizarro world.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 3 hrs
    Suzanne Houston Nash
    Suzanne Houston Nash How a person looks IS important. It's not the only thing that's important,of course, but it does show a self knowledge and a self awareness. It shows an awareness of the current of the times. It even shows that a person has the confidence to listen to others and change if he or she deems it beneficial. People who think appearance doesn't count are clueless and are therefore thought of as not credible or capable.
    Like · Reply · 40 mins · Edited
    Jill Sappington Tudor
    Jill Sappington Tudor To the brink of insanity...
    Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs
    Robin Amundson
    Robin Amundson Exhausting.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs

  8. I smell the skank of radical feminism here.

  9. When even Mr. Dings has taken notice . . .

  10. Not really. Dontcha remember a couple years back or so when you were trying to set me up with a lot of questions about what I believed? We agreed on a whole lot more than we disagree on. I must admit, I'm not a hawk, don't think America is doomed, regardless, and believe in social insurance. Obamacare took a lot of that out of me. You are a free marketer and so am I, basically, because all socialism and communism have shown me is stagnation and decline. You are now a fundamentalist whereas I am a Catholic and very fond of Pope Francis. As for gay marriage, well, my take is that if laws are passed allowing them to marry, who am I to tell them they cannot? I personally would not choose to do so and probably would be a bit upset if my children or grandchildren did, but, it's their life and they can do what they want. And for me, Ronald Reagan was a disaster for this country. I am opposed to all forms of censorship. I am also for the full legalization of marijuana. Your freedom stops at the end of my nose. And on and on, actually.....

  11. Oh yeah, abortion for me is murder. But it's currently the law of the land. I'm a big believer in the rule of law. If I don't like the law I will decide whether I will civilly disobey, but not likely to do so in public, i.e., be subject to arrest by the authorities I agree we should avoid and lay low from.

  12. And if I had to choose who to trust, I'll go with government over big business. And I hate mass advertising.

  13. There may be a label for your worldview, but I've not come across it.

  14. Labels are for others to misconstrue you by. But it must help the labeler to make some sense to themselves .

  15. Well, in the space of a paragraph, you call yourself a free-market proponent and then say you are for "social insurance." I guess broadly you fit into the Catholic Left.

  16. My entire lifetime I have observed a mixture of free market and socialism in this country. The basic model is free market. I probably do fit into the Catholic mold, if you can call Thomas Merton and Francis of Assisi left, then maybe I am. So what? You know that Douthit guy who's always running his mouth off about the current Pope isn't even cradle Catholic. I am certainly not right wing Catholic who want to deny the Eucharist to anyone who doesn't tow their line. I was taught that was up to Jesus and his Father and it is. This is a year of Mercy in the Catholic Church. The unmerciful can just go squirm themselves to death and maybe Heaven, not my call.

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  17. Well, in the space of 6.6 decades as an American citizen, all I've seen is a mixture of socialism and capitalism and I really have no major complaints.

  18. You really don't have any complaints? Not about the theft of your money involved in the redistribution? Not about the unsustainability of the whole scheme?

    And what particularly made me think of the Catholic Left as a brand way to categorize you is this business about wishing the Soviet empire had won the Cold War.
