Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The danger-fraught path to saving this nation

The Pub field narrowed significantly today. Fiorina has suspended her campaign, as has Christie.

Let's take a paragraph or so to do a post-mortem. Of the two, Fiorina was the far more desirable presidential candidate. While Christie's prosecutor background has given his stint as governor and prez candidate a bracing doggedness, it also made the tactic of going after fellow candidates his stylistic centerpiece. Florina, who really didn't distinguish herself ideologically when she ran against Boxer for the Senate, early on in this race employed a unvarnished defense of three-pillared conservatism combined with a razor-sharp command of the facts on any issue. It's really too bad she never got the traction of the upper-tier contenders, much as the great Bobby Jindal never did.

So now all eyes turn to South Carolina and the big questions of whether Rubio stays viable as a third figure at the top level, and of whether there's ongoing life in the Jeb and Kasich campaigns.

Unless something way out of the realm of expectations occurs, LITD will not spend a great deal of time on those question, however.

They're interesting, and at this late date, getting mired in the interesting is a distraction that a dying post-America cannot afford.

The only two serious contenders on the Pub side are Ted Cruz and Squirrel-Hair. And Ted Cruz is the only hope that post-America can remember what humanity, character, faith, fealty to the Constitution and the free market, consistency in foreign policy, and the chops to articulate all of the above, can survive as generally held values. Squirrel-Hair would be as catastrophic for this nation as the election of a Democrat.

Which brings us to the Freedom-Hater side of the race. The only two contenders are both radical leftists, and one is up to her eyeballs in very serious legal trouble over her reckless handling of top-secret classified information during her stint as Secretary of State.

The path to avoid either totalitarian socialism or the impulsive oligarchy of a rudderless, petulant self-aggrandizer is steep and narrow.

It requires the courage to speak out - no easy thing, given that poll numbers mean that among people you personally know and associate with are supporters of Squirrel-Hair, Hillionaire and Bernie Sanders. But speak out you must. Any of the three spells the final knife in the heart of a civilization that has blessed humankind uniquely and immeasurably.

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