Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The fruits of planned decline - today's edition

This is what you get when the United States of America is fundamentally transformed into post-America by a party the unifying principle of which is that America has been an arrogant, malevolent force on the world stage and has needed to be taken down a peg:

The commander of the Basij paramilitary force of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mohammad Reza Naqdi, vowed that Tehran “will not make any compromises with our enemies in the Middle East."

Speaking in a press conference in honor of the anniversary of the 1979 Iranian revolution, Naqdi emphasized that "the hundreds of Revolutionary Guards generals fighting in Syria will never repeat the mistake of the Shi’ite Caliph Hassan bin Ali who surrendered leadership of the Muslim world to Muawiyyah bin Abi Sufyan."

Naqdi added that "it is impossible to compare Iran to Iran under the Shah's rule, since back then, Iran was subordinate to the American administration, while today, the United States subordinates to Iran's dominance in the Middle East and it cannot act in the region without getting the approval of the Supreme Leader of Iran."

In addition, Naqdi argued that while senior "American officials visit the Middle East secretly, images of Qassem Soleimani, the commander of Iran's Quds Force, spread across the streets in Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq and Syria." 
It's a statement of the obvious, but it's the source that makes it significant.

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