Tuesday, July 15, 2014

There is no policy and there is no border

The spike in the influx of illegal aliens in the past few months on our southern border has no redeeming qualities.  It's an unmitigated tragedy and an urgent threat to our national security.

Prayer rugs, Korans and an Urdu-to-English dictionary have been found by border agents and ranchers.

A border agent says his colleagues are coming down with "diseases we haven't seen in decades."

Dead children are washing up onto the banks of the Rio Grande.

A cadre of immigration lawyers has a vested interest in prolonging the cases of illegal aliens:

“Due process” in deportation is a euphemism for interminable delay. According to TRAC Immigration, which gathers data on the chronically backlogged immigration-court system, there are currently more than 366,000 pending deportation cases, with average wait times nationally of nearly 600 days. There are a measly 59 immigration courts staffed by a meager 235 judges to handle all those cases.
Insiders have told me again and again over the years: “It ain’t over ’til the alien wins.”
Democrats, as always, will blame lack of taxpayer funding. But here’s the cold, hard fact: The system is “broken” on purpose. As they clamor for mass illegal-alien amnesty, left-wing immigration lawyers and ethnic activists operate a lucrative industry whose sole objective is to help illegal aliens and convicted-criminal visa holders evade deportation for as long as possible. Groups such as the American Immigration Lawyers Association, the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, and the American Friends Service Committee make their livelihoods off administrative bottlenecks.

Of all the instances in which the Most Equal Comrade has hung out the "Our Weakness is By Design" sign, this is the most alarming.  Did Ann Dunham, Frank Marshall Davis, Heather Booth, Rashid Khalidi, Jeremiah Wright and Valerie Jarrett actually think that the end product of their mad vision could turn out well?

Can anyone believe that the incoherence with which this regime is "addressing" this catastrophe moves us toward a better world?

There may be one shred of merit to what is happening, but  even then it's a matter of one interest group seeing its share of Leviathan-dispensed goodies threatened by another interest group:

“Mr. President, we’re asking for you,” one woman said. “You’re spending billions of dollars in Texas, but we’ve a problem here in Chicago. We will not stand by this here, and keep letting this senseless killing and shooting happen in our community.”
Another resident said, “Today, if you look at the time that we were brought here as slaves 400 years ago, we got the same results today.”
One man called for Mr. Obama to step down if he continued to shun the city’s problems.
“For the president to set aside all of these funds for immigrants and [have] forsaken the African-American community, I think that’s a disgrace,” the man told the blog Rebel Pundit. “He will go down as the worst president ever elected. Bill Clinton was the African-American president.”

Those folks are still  thinking in terms of a federal solution to the problems on the streets of their neighborhoods, but waking-up processes are usually incremental.  At least they now get that the Most Equal Comrade is a horrible "president."

And it takes the wind out of the racism-charge sails at least somewhat.

But does more people getting it translate into stopping the flood?  Not so far.

Fundamental transformation, in real time.

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