Monday, July 21, 2014

The overlords' plan to make your "healthy choices" for you

Just now getting around to posting about the talking shopping carts.  Last week was a busy one for me and the world.  When I had time to blog, I went with the developments on the frontmost burners.

But let's parse the levels on which this is, like most ideas that Freedom-Haters come up with, simultaneously silly and chilling.

There's the jargon factor.  "Choice architecture?"  What pointy-headed dweeb in the bowels of Leviathan came up with that one?

The USDA said the ideas are “intended to change the choice architecture of the food retail environment to make healthier choices more prominent,” which is in line with first lady Michelle Obama’s stated second term agenda to “impact the nature of food in grocery stores.”

Discount, buy-one-get-one-free deals for food stamp - excuse me, SNAP recipients -  and rebates for making what the state deems "healthy purchases."  Won't got into a full rant at this moment on the fact that a ginned-up sense of pity for the cattle-masses who can't hit their own backsides with a yardstick and must be guided through life by the all-wise state is essential to the FHer mission, but that's what we have with that "healthy purchases" business.  (I'll get to the food stamp angle shortly.)

Then there's the post-modern obsession with "branding."  The USDA proposes to cal thse talking, color-coded shopping carts "MyCarts." Like a little nod to that antiquated notion that Grandma and Grandpa used to call individual sovereignty.  You have your own personalized vehicle for maneuvering through the state cattle pen.  Aren't you special!

And then there's the business about a "marketing plan."  When this was the United States of America, private organizations devised and implemented their own damn marketing plans.

And what would it cost the still-at-least-nominally-private supermarket chains to implement this program of smiley-face tyranny?  Safeway estimates $40 million.

I've already considered the argument that this just goes to show that when you become a dependent, as a food-stamp recipient has, the entity doling out your goodies gets to call the shots.  True enough, but the overall aim of our overlords is to turn us all into dependents.  The point is for this to apply to all the cattle-masses.

Will this be laughed out of consideration, or will some form of it become a reality? It depends which side prevails in the war for America's soul.


  1. Guess I'd better get in my supply of Twinkies & Hostess fruit pies. I joke about it but this is ridiculous! I pray that the LIV will see the light...soon!

  2. Funny how your Ronnie ramped up the war on drugs and 30 yes later the cattle masses are still saying no to jail for it.

  3. Ronald Reagan came of age during the formation of mid-20th-century attitudes toward drugs, not to mention the fact that he governed California during the peak of the hippie, student-radical and biker-gang movements, which gave him a front-and-center view of marijuana's role in the unfolding of that time. He has nothing to apologize for. Anybody who tries to make an issue of it at theis late date has maturity issues.

  4. And utterly fails to grasp Ronald Reagan's significance in the history of Western civilization.

  5. I grasp his significance, both good and Ill for the Republic. His drug war has been a failure. His good intentions wrecked the personal lives of many citizens who chose to ignore his version of what was allowed in their private lives where it was nobody's business what they did. They are far from cattle but they have been prodded and penned anyhow. I would never vote for a neo Reagan,

  6. He did grant amnesty to illegals and said he preserved Social Security. Perhaps he was bluffing.

  7. Given the imperfect nature of this world, it's entirely possible to come up with a Top Ten list of ways Dutch departed from his stature as a champion of freedom and American greatness. The point is that any for any other president of the last 150 years, you'd need a Top 50 list.
