Monday, January 9, 2012

If, as Panetta says, Iran's uranium-enrichment activities are still at this late date just for peaceful purposes . . .

. . . why the hell are they moving it into underground bunkers?


  1. Yeah, and our State Department and your detested MEC or whatever you call him are well aware of it and quite fed up too. Might even get to your chosen option (oh, about 10 years ago, with quite equivicol results) preemption, even. This time with an international coalition. Some of you righties truly believe you are the only ones who can run the military and the state department. Even when we got Bin Laden it was really you guys who laid the groundwork. That is what I mean when I say you are legends in your own mind. Noone does Christianity like you do either.

  2. Recently heard my hero Dennis Ross, late of the Obama statecraft team in the Middle East, being interviewed on some radio show. I recall you panned him and his ideas set forth in his book Statecraft some years ago. He said he left his position in the Obama administration because his wife wanted him home more, but this link intimates otherwise. Worrisome, to say the least:

    Commenting on his resignation, Chas Freeman, a U.S. diplomat who served as head of the Middle East Policy Council in Washington, said: "None of the issues in his charge prospered during his tenure, which saw the collapse of any pretence of a peace process between Israel and the Arabs, a deepening of the Iranian conviction that a nuclear deterrent is necessary to deter Israeli or American attack, and the collapse of American prestige and influence among the Arabs and in the Islamic world more generally."

    Commentators on the neconservative right responded by arguing that without Ross the Obama administration would no longer have a "pro-Israel" adviser to shield it from criticism. Elliott Abrams, the Iran-Contra veteran who served as a top Middle East aide in the George W. Bush administration, told Washington Post blogger Jennifer Rubin: “Now that facade will be removed, or perhaps it is more accurate to say that Ross tired of that role and tired of defending a president whose feelings about Israel were as cold as Ross’s are warm. This is going to hurt the White House in the Jewish community, because they have no substitute for Ross and no one with his credibility with most Jewish organizations.”

  3. The US government's specialists in Middle Eastern affairs clearly must be pro-Israel. And that is not the case currently.

  4. And just why must they be clearly pro anybody in that conflict where we are negotiating a lasting peace, a dirty word to you, I know and I know why you think it is because it smells weak to you? Now in a war, which your ilk has evidently wanted for quite some time now, well, yeah, we gotta take a stand. Isn't that what we have basically been trying to avoid here--WWIII?
