Thursday, August 4, 2011

Could you bring things to a juncture like this unintentionally?

Something occurs to me as I review the last few posts and otherwise ponder the day's news, particularly that of a financial nature.  And maybe this is a round-to-the-backdoor way of addressing the matter of whether the Most Equal Comrade and FHers in general are proponents of planned American / Western decline.

It occurs to me that, at this point, you cannot still be a devoted fan of this president unless you wish to see this country turned into something other than what it has been for 235 years.

If you are still into the MEC the way you were two, three, four years ago, you cannot talk about whether or not he is a "failure" in the same sense as the rest of the ideological spectrum does.  Of course, he's a failure in the normal-people sense of the word.  If you, say, show up at one of these not-really-campaign-stops-at-least-when-anybody's-asking-whether-they're-on-the-taxpayer-dime and wave a banner and clamor for a microsecond of face time, you have a radical vision of what this nation ought to be.

There is no way back to anything like an America we recognize until this bunch is so marginalized that its impact on votes on legislation, judicial decisions, and executive-agency regulations is as good as nil.

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