Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Back in the fray

My blog of five-plus years, Bent Notes, disappeared without a trace a few weeks ago.  Just plain was no longer there.  No code, no nothing.  I won't consume your time with the attempts to find out what happened. I still think it was some weird Wordpress malfunction.  Hacking is a possibility, I suppose, but BN was a fifth-tier outlet of political, cultural and economic opinion at best.  I can't imagine someone taking the time to fool with it, given the bigger fish to fry in the blogosphere.
It was frustrating and sad to lose a half-decade's body of work, some of which was quite good if I do say so myself, but life goes on. 
Does it ever.  Our nation has become, over the summer, a pillowcase full of cats, mostly over the national debt and deficit.  Record-setting temperatures haven't helped. Iran is still on track to have a nuclear arsenal.  Cairo's Tahrir Square fills with those enamored of sharia and jihad, serving notice that secular pragmatism is not Egypt's future.  Libya's rebels turn on each other, as do the NATO members backing them.  Western civilization's cultural vitality is on life support. Stock markets are down all over the world as I write.
So it was time to get back to chiming in on it all. 
Now I have to rebuild my blogroll and figure out matters of appearance and function.
Do check in often, and watch a brand-new player get its sea legs.

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