Friday, August 12, 2011

Ames, Iowa's moment as epicenter

The debate offered a few fireworks, but no real surprises.  I'd love to see the least desirable - Paul, Huntsmann, Romney, in that order - weeded out so that the far more desirable second tier could really commence the shaking-out process.

Paul is so spot on regarding free-market economics and the proper scope and function of the federal government, but his wacky idea that there is some kind of toxic "militarism" of which the American character must be cured brands him an odd uncle from the get-go.  (Is his son Rand on that page?  I think he has been somewhat mum on the issue in order to have the flexibility to forge his own political path.)

Huntsmann can talk a good game, but he's on record as having way too many decidedly un-conservative positions to be a serious player.

One has to expect that the two Minnesotans would go at each other.  One cringes at the sad necessity of it, because they are both fine people with strong rightie creds, and we don't need bitterness to breed in our ranks.

Cain and Santorum?  Likewise marvelous righties, and we should hope administrative positions await them in 2013.

Of course, Rick Perry is coming to town to announce tomorrow.  Opinions vary on this, but count me among those who think it's a shrewd move.  This is an great time for yet another excellent candidate to shake up a status quo before it's fully established.

And then Barracuda's bus tour rolls into Ames this weekend as well.  Again, arguments can be made that she's still ratcheting up the suspense, as well as that her mojo is on the wane and she'd best resign herself to a king / queen - maker role.  To those familiar with my general absolutism, this may come as a surprise, but I blow hot and cold on this one.  I see the validity of both perspectives.

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