Sunday, December 20, 2020

Way out in uncharted territory

 That Oval Office meeting on Friday was apparently a doozy:

 . . . a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump's aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn's more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.

The Very Stable Genius asked about the possibility of acting on the idea Flynn had floated during a Newsmax interview recently - namely, of declaring marital law. That got shot down by someone who apparently has sufficient influence over the VSG to convince him to do or not do certain things.

(Fortunately, Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy and Army Chief of Staff General McConville quickly put out a statement saying "There is no role for the US military in determining the outcome of an American election.")

By the way, Flynn's recent behavior has me rethinking my whole inclination over the past four years to give him the benefit of the doubt. His inner compass has clearly not been working right for some time.

And then the VSG floated the idea of hiring Sidney Powell - who, like Flynn, was in the room - as special counsel to look into the role of technology in how the recent election went. On the basis of that being put out there for consideration, Rudy Giuliani contacted the Department of Homeland Security about finding some legal way to seize voting machines.

That idea, thankfully, got shot down, too.

Keep in mind the context. The COVID pandemic continues to rage across the nation, not only killing people in record numbers, but continuing to wreak economic and sociocultural havoc. 

We've now discovered that the many federal departments and agencies, as well as NGOs and corporations, have been under cyber-attack for months. It's of an unprecedented scale. It's traceable back to a hacking group with Russian government ties. Even Mike Pompeo says so. 

The only person who doesn't say so - who, with no substantiation, suggests China might be behind it - is the VSG.

This situation screams for an intervention. Where is someone with the courage to set it in motion?


  1. Good thing we had JOHN BOLTON in for Flynn. If Bolton had not fired the White House cyber security coordinator and dismantled the administration's global pandemic response team, the US of A might really have been in a pickle...

  2. “We needed to do two things: first, we needed a Trump Administration cyber strategy, and second, we needed to scrap the Obama-era [offensive cyber-operations] rules and replace them with a more agile, expeditious decision-making structure,” Bolton writes of his time negotiating new policies with national security and intelligence officials in 2018. “Unfortunately, bureaucratic inertia, turf fights, and some genuine unresolved issues paralyzed the Trump Administration, month after month.”

    Bolton writes that the Obama administration’s approach to fending off hacking from China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea had been criticized for not being aggressive enough. In order to better deter them, the Trump administration had set its sights on giving U.S. military hackers more leeway to hit back.
