Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The irony is rich; the Supreme Court that Trump had much to do with shaping has stuck to its guns and denied Trump and his cult a challenge to the Pennsylvania election

 This is just too good. Trumpists, trying to pose as conservatives and appeal to them, have, since 2015, harped, over and over, on the theme that the Very Stable Genius would get us principled, originalist federal judges, particularly at the SCOTUS level.

And, indeed, that is just how it's played out. 

They've behaved in a principled manner.

And that's how this decision came down today:

The Supreme Court refused Tuesday to stop Pennsylvania from finalizing President-elect Joe Biden's victory in the state despite allegations from allies of President Donald Trump that the expansion of mail-in voting was illegal .

The action by the nation's highest court, which includes three justices named by Trump, came as states across the country are locking in the results that will lead to next week's Electoral College vote. It represented the latest in a string of stinging judicial opinions that have left the president defeated both politically and legally.

By their one-sentence denial, the justices left intact a ruling by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which said the challenge to a state law passed in 2019 came far too late. New Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett appeared to have participated in the case; no dissents or recusals were noted.

Led by conservative Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Pa., the challengers claimed that the Republican-led state legislature's expansion of absentee voting violated the Pennsylvania Constitution. Rather than going to court after its passage, however, they waited until the state figured prominently in Trump's loss to Biden last month.

As a Never Trumper, I have to say I'm delighted that the only thing he was ever going to be good for has borne fruit. 

It has to be an extra pinch of salt in the wounds of all the throne-sniffers who thought they were belittling us with taunts of "but muh principles."

Turns out principles get vindicated - sometimes sooner, sometimes later - but worship of charlatans doesn't. 


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