Thursday, December 3, 2020

The Georgia grandstanding gets weirder and weirder

 It's been hard to say who among Jenna Ellis, Sidney Powell and Lin Wood has been getting the weirdest, but I think we now know that at least one of them is a bona fide snake in the grass:

In 2014, Barack Obama was on the verge of a remarkable achievement. He could be the first President in a very long time to have a super-majority of his party in the United States Senate. Able to overcome any filibuster, the Democrats in the Senate would have been unstoppable.

Down in Georgia, Michelle Nunn, daughter of former Senator Sam Nunn, stepped up to run as the Democrats’ nominee. An Obama donor swung into action to help her against David Perdue, the Republican nominee.

Polling showed Nunn ahead of Perdue at one point and Democrats got really excited. The Obama donor gave Nunn money and support to get her across the finish line and get the Democrats their super majority. Thankfully, David Perdue beat her.

Yesterday, down in Georgia, that Obama donor and reliable Democrat voter swung into action again to help the Democrats take back the Senate and try to stop David Perdue a second time.

Standing on stage at a stop the steal rally, that Obama and Michelle Nunn donor, Attorney Lin Wood, urged Georgia Republican voters to stay home and refrain from supporting the GOP in the special election runoffs that will decide control of the United States Senate.

Wood has a history of helping the Democrats.

He funded John Edwards's presidential campaign. He funded Barack Obama’s campaign. He funded various other Democratic Senate campaigns to help Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer. He has funded a variety of progressive Democrats in Georgia in both gubernatorial races and state legislative races. Now he has taken the lead in suppressing the Republican vote in Georgia.

On the same day a Democrat group started running billboards around the state of Georgia telling Republicans there was no point in them voting in January, Wood and Sidney Powell stood on a stage in suburban Atlanta and made the exact same case. Because, they claimed, the race had been stolen, Republicans needed to just hand Joe Biden control of the Senate and let them wipe out Donald Trump’s legacy and signature initiatives. It is a masterful echoing of the Democrats.

In 2018, instead of voting in the Republican Primary for Brian Kemp or Casey Cagle, Wood voted in the Democratic Primary where Stacey Abrams began her march onto the national stage. Wood never voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 Republican Presidential Primary in Georgia, but he voted for and gave money to Barack Obama in the 2008 Democrat Presidential Primary in Georgia. Wood even voted in the 2006 Democratic Primary and Democratic Primary Runoff in Georgia in the year the GOP was sweeping Georgia.

But he's also really weird:

The man who donated to Barack Obama and Michelle Nunn and now wants Republican voters to let the Democrats take the Senate is also subject to a lawsuit filed by the lawyers who worked with him.

Lin Wood seems to have some issues, based on this lawsuit by his legal partners.

From the lawsuit:

During the 3.5-hour teleconference, Defendant Wood referred to himself as Almighty; offered to fight the individual Plaintiffs to the death; demanded the Plaintiffs’ undying loyalty; threatened to “hurt” the Plaintiffs; offered to have the Plaintiffs stay in the firm; and called Plaintiff Grunberg a “Chilean Jew” and demanded that he admit he does not look like the other lawyers in the firm.

And also:

Defendant Wood called Plaintiff Wade and, during a call that lasted approximately two hours, Wood advised Wade that he was going to destroy Plaintiffs Grunberg and Wilson. During this conversation, Defendant Wood could not help but revisit his obsession with Plaintiff Wilson’s wife, stating: “by the time I am through with Taylor Wilson, he’s going to wish all I had done was f**k his wife.”

Even Newt Gingrich is distancing himself from this madness.  

The Georgia gang is not the only weird bunch among the remaining the-election-was-a-fraud crowd. Michael Flynn has retweeted a call for "limited" martial law and a complete redo of the election.

Having been Never Trump from Day One is looking better every day. We don't have to own any of this.


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