Friday, December 4, 2020

The Big Baby intends to make a mess out of the country he claims to love right up until the last minute he's able to

 Like a lot of conservative (that's conservative, not Trumpist) opiners, I've tried not to overdo the examination of how the Very Stable Genius's big-baby streak is on display with ever-greater frequency these days. Examples are so abundant, that pointing them out can get tiresome.

But this one merits discussion. Squirrel-Hair intends to veto the defense bill currently being crafted in Congress because it's not going to include repeal of Section 230. 

Donald J. Trump


Very sadly for our Nation, it looks like Senator 


 will not be putting the Section 230 termination clause into the Defense Bill. So bad for our National Security and Election Integrity. Last chance to ever get it done. I will VETO!

This goes beyond the usual shenanigans that get unrelated items in bills ostensibly pertaining to one aspect of governance. This is about government inserting itself into matters way outside its purview.

I think Jonah Goldberg ably explains:

On the right, the hullabaloo about “Internet censorship” and Section 230 isn’t really about free speech, it’s about power. As a free speech issue, the matter is pretty straightforward: Private companies can say—or allow to be said—nearly any damn thing they want on their platforms. This makes popular platforms very powerful, and some people don’t like that and want to exert power over them. Yes, there are legitimate issues at the margins, but for the most part the political energy behind all this argy-bargy is that a bunch of people (think the president and his most passionate supporters) should be able to say anything they want, including lies, on privately owned platforms without any editorial comment or discretion getting in the way. That’s an argument about power, plain and simple.

January 20 can't come soon enough. 

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