Sunday, June 14, 2020


The following sequence of events is not in any real dispute.

Rayshard Brooks, a 27-year-old man, was asleep in his car at the drive-up window at a Wendy's in Atlanta. Other cars were having to drive around his. The police were called. Police gave him a field sobriety test, which he failed. He grabbed a taser from one of the cops, ran a short distance, turned around and aimed the taser at him. The police officer fired three shots at Brooks, killing him.

As a result, the Atlanta mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms has accepted the resignation of the city's police chief.

And "protestors" burned the Wendy's to the ground and shut down Interstate 75 in response.

Okay, now, because it's 2020 and everything in post-America is stupid as well as dangerously toxic, we probably ought to look at the "pertinent" demographic classifications of the various players in this scenario. Brooks was black. The cop who shot him was white. Mayor Bottoms is black. The police chief is a lesbian.

The "protestors" who torched the Wendy's? LITD doesn't have that information at this time.

Details beyond what is given above will hopefully be forthcoming. In a situation like this, there are, after all, still questions that will need to be looked into.

Here's LITD's question for right now: What the hell did the employees, management or ownership of the Wendy's do to deserve getting their store burned to the ground?

I defy anybody in this stinking world to attempt a justification for that.

Our civilization is crumbling by the hour. A good place to start with halting that process would be for everybody, whatever his, her or their perceived stake in this - and by this I mean the breakdown of the civil order that's been going on for the last three-plus weeks - no, make that the last 55 years - to agree that that Wendy's should still be standing and serving food.

And for God's sake, do not make a hero out of Rayshard Brooks.

1 comment:

  1. Amen.rash knee-jerk mob response prevail in a setting such as existing now. Not one person would have been safe had the tazed office had his gun taken from him.passerbys were vulnerable etc. Protect and serve. Fight resist flee??? Outcome is perfect storm.
