Sunday, June 21, 2020

An underwhelming return to the arena circuit

Well, now.

So much for that makeshift stadium outside Tulsa's Bank of Oklahoma Center, which was supposed to accommodate overflow crowds. It was dismantled while the sun was still high in the sky. Entire sections within the Center went empty.

The Very Stable Genius has attempted to frame it as protestors keeping fans away. It doesn't seem to be washing.

He did get a big round of applause for taking a drink of water with one hand.

The fact of the matter is that actual conservatism never died. It was expected to wither away as Trumpism elbowed its way to primacy within the Republican Party. New journals such as The Dispatch and The Bulwark were expected to die on the vine. Principles First was expected to go nowhere.

Reality had other plans.

With each passing day, it becomes more clear that Trumpism is not a coherent worldview, but rather a cult built around one of the most unfit presidents in US history.

There's probably not time to make an abrupt turn between now and November. But an actually effective voice for the immutable principles, and for truly workable ways to apply them to the matters currently on the nation's plate, is present on the scene.

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