Thursday, December 5, 2019

The obligatory impeachment post

This won't be too long, as the subject is only of tangential importance. There, I said it.

It's true that it will make only the third time in the nation's history that a president has been impeached, and that's no small potatoes, but the Senate is not going to convict Donald Trump.

This whole episode's significance is tangential to the single underlying fact of importance about the current state of our nation: The United States is hopelessly fractured, increasingly ignorant of its history and underpinnings, distracted from a gaze at the transcendent at every turn by shiny baubles, and desperately clinging to signs that would contradict the conclusion that it is in obvious decline. That's how we got Donald Trump, and it's how we got Nancy Pelosi. It's how we got V-DARE and how we got Antifa. It's how we got our thoroughly rotten culture.

Yes, the Constitutional scholars the Democrats invited to yesterday's hearings have track records as leftists. In Pamela Karlan's case, there's also a revulsion of Trump of a degree that compelled her to tell a convention of the National Constitution Society that she had crossed a street rather than walk by a building with Trump's name on it.

It's not like I'm sitting on the fence regarding Trump's behavior regarding Ukraine. I think the facts plainly show that he muscled that country, using military aid it needed to counter Russian aggression, in order to get dirt on his most likely opponent in the upcoming election. In a world that more conformed to how I'd like to see it be, Trump would play up some health issue and resign. Hell, in a world that I'd be pleased with, he'd have been dismissed as a joke within hours after descending the Trump Tower escalator in the summer of 2015.

I think this Tweet from David Axelrod pretty well sums it up:

For those who want to skip ahead: The House will impeach by the end of the year because what he did warrants it. The Senate will hold a trial in January but not convict, regardless of evidence, because he has absolute control of his party. And then we will move on.

And moving on will, of course, entail more identity politics and redistributive schemes from the Left, more unwavering loyalty to the Very Stable Genius from most Republicans, and an ever-dimmer light emanating from the city on the hill.

This is an opinion blog, but it does not have to pick sides. The only side LITD is on is that of free-market economics, an understanding of why Western civilization has been a unique blessing to humankind, and a foreign policy based on West-informed interests, principles that pretty much no one serving in a public office on any level in post-America has the guts to uphold or run on come election time.

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