Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Tillerson ouster - initial thoughts

For starters, it was another example of the Very Stable Genius's lame style of dismissing folks. Tillerson found out via Twitter while he was in Africa and about to address the nerve-agent attack on a former double agent of Russian nationality and his daughter in Britain.  Word is that he wanted to stay in his position.

Pompeo is going to be a better fit. Pompeo understands that the Iran deal was garbage.

In fact, Tillerson's views were all over the map. He wanted to stay in the JCPOA and the Paris climate accord. He was on record back in his days as Exxon Mobil CEO as saying he advocated a carbon tax. On the other hand, he was on record as being against government regulation in general. He supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement and free trade generally, which is a good position for him to have, but put him in opposition to the populists who formed the first wave of Trumps' base.

Tillerson seems like a man of good character and a nice person, but his appointment to the position he was just ousted from was a head-scratcher. And the way the VSG handled his letting-go was a head-shaker.


  1. Glad you're happy that a spy got this position rather than a diplomat. As Patton once observed, if everybody is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking. But for a Trump you're simply fired.

  2. Yet another action from Trump you basically like like though. We shall see. I hear the drums of war pounding in the distance but i expect you'll welcome that too.

  3. Numerous options on multiple fronts as you well know. Your ilk (fundies & TPers) elected this moron, though you insist your sensibilities are more refined. The

  4. Reminder to those of you that are employed...Do not call your boss a moron...they won't forget!

  5. Um, no, my ilk most certainly did not elect Trump. Our position was the same in the summer of 2015, November of 2016, and is the same in March 2018.

  6. Are you not of the Christian fundamentalists and the Tea Partiers?

  7. No.

    I knew early on that the term "tea party" was going to render itself obsolete fairly quickly. I was always much more comfortable saying that I insisted that Republican candidates for office base policy positions on three-pillared conservatism. And no, I'm not a fundamentalist. I do see that the 66 books of the Bible present us with an undeniable narrative that reaches its crescendo with the Gospel.

  8. The term tea party has waned but not the sentiment that stood for principles. The chief spy who has now been named our new chief diplomat has rhizomes in the tea party. Perfect choice for Cold War II and bound to become a MI Cimplex darling.
