Monday, February 12, 2018

Leave it to Squirrel-Hair to ruin the effect of anything good he's done

Once again, the oafishness of the Very Stable Genius overrides his instinct to move in a good direction policy-wise.

Gorsuch, deregulation, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, getting out of the Paris climate accord, and tax reform all get dwarfed by his rhetorical clumsiness about matters of the utmost consequence:

Peoples lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation. Some are true and some are false. Some are old and some are new. There is no recovery for someone falsely accused - life and career are gone. Is there no such thing any longer as Due Process?
Susan Wright at Red State minces no words in drawing the only conclusion worth drawing here:

Rob Porter’s case wasn’t “mere allegations.”

The accounts of two ex-wives, a girlfriend, photo evidence, and an order of protection are decidedly more than “mere allegations,” and Trump, once again, handled it horribly.
As has been pointed out elsewhere, however, it’s not that Trump just screwed up the messaging. It’s that Trump is a horrible, abusive person, and he identifies more with the abuser than the abused.

All he cares about is how well someone serves him. Are they a member of his team? How do their efforts benefit him?
That’s who Trump is, so, no. He doesn’t care about the victims. 

She quotes from a piece Porter's second ex-wife wrote on Time's website this weekend:

 Due process.
There it is again. The words “mere allegation” and “falsely accused” meant to imply that I am a liar. That Colbie Holderness is a liar. That the work Rob was doing in the White House was of higher value than our mental, emotional or physical wellbeing. That his professional contributions are worth more than the truth. That abuse is something to be questioned and doubted.
She went on to say she forgave Trump, because her self-worth and strength were not reliant on “outside belief.”

That’s a solid stance to take. Unfortunately, so many others are crushed with the fear of being labeled as “liars.”

I'd really like to see Dennis Prager, Victor Davis Hanson, Conrad Black or Roger Kimball try to face this head-on. I chose these two rather than obvious fever-swamp shills like Hannity, Bill Mitche, Wayne Allen Root or Ingraham, because they represent the seasoned, erudite voices of deep deliberation, who ostensibly only came to a position of Trump-support after careful weighing every last factor in the dynamics of the present American moment.

Will they? I'll be on the lookout.

Here at LITD, there is no hesitation to put this front and center in a consideration of whether Trump is on balance good or bad for our nation.

The more that time passes, the more I realize what an American tragedy occurred in Indianapolis last May 3. We squandered the chance to put forth the best presidential candidate this country has seen since Ronald Reagan.

We are not a spiritually healthy society.


  1. The President didn't mention Rob Porter in his Twitter post. Everyone assumes his comments are focused on him however it seems that he is pointing to a bigger issue in that political correctness and the media now sensationalizes everything regarding even the hint of impropriety and the accused trial is in Social Media and the press rather than in the courts. Certainly there will be innocent people (men and women) that will be accused and assumed guilty without due process by our politically correct mentality today. What ever happened to our 5th and 14th Amendments that call for citizens to be given due process. I don't support sexual abusers period...but am also very concerned that they aren't assumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law before they are condemned by society. This is a slippery slope that should make us all uneasy.

  2. Even if one puts it in the best light, though, it is yet another example of the tone-deaf way Trump communicates.

  3. Personally Barney, I would rather have a leader that communicates strait from his heart and mind even though at times he seems insensitive and clumsy with respect to "tone" and others viewpoints. Being "tone deaf" is a musical term that has been turned into a term of political correctness. Obama, Clinton, and Sanders all talk in metaphors and circles of conversation that tells nothing of their position or true feelings...especially on sensitive subjects. They talk to the "object" of their politics and leave out the details because they are on the correct tone of their audience. I'm just a small town "fly-over" conservative and want strait talk from my leaders...not polished oratory aimed at a particular group. As I said earlier, I sympathize with those hurt from sexual misconduct, however I'm afraid that there are going to be innocent lives ruined by some that just want to get even or get paid for their going public whether they are truthful or not!

  4. Wonder when we were a spiritually healthy society, how that is defined and whether there are any beacons of hope for one we can look to in the past or even in the present on this planet?

  5. And it was May, nearly 2 years ago that Cruz went down in Indiana. No matter, he would have gone down the following week. I dunno why God changed His mind about both Ted and Rick from that spiritually healthy way down yonder land. Each of them said they were on a mission from Him. Better climb on that cross....

  6. No matter, say you're against abortion and Satan's healthcare plan and the fundies will come running to you if you're a born-rich braggart of a NYC boor.

  7. i know. That means Cruz & Perry were not correct, but nice try. God sent The Donald to straighten it all out for him and the anti-abortion, anti Satanic health care crowd ate it up.

  8. God's Warrior wanted a signature victory before the end of the first year of his installation so he cut taxes before spending and now has presented a hugely increased military budget that will match any deficit spending that Satanic predecessor came up with during those 8 years the devil ran to and fro throughout this formerly blessed land. Oh for those heavy spiritual days of Ronnie R.

  9. We need an increased military budget.

    You know you and I are on the same page re: the deficit. In fact, I'm about to write a piece for Medium on that.


  11. Why do we need an increased military budget?

  12. Several systems and types of equipment are outdated. The M1 Abrams tank was designed in the 1970s. The Bradley Fighting Vehicle entered service in 1981. The B-52? 1955. B-2 Spirit? Late 1980s.

    Our enemies and adversaries are coming out with equivalent pieces of hardware that indicate we can no longer assume overwhelming superiority.

    The Army is at its lowest manpower level since 1940.

    If we had to address Chinese aggression in the South China Seas, some kind of major Iranian move in the Middle East, and a hostile act by North Korea all at the same time, we'd be stretched too thin.

  13. Oh yeah, I figured as much. I see a trouble maker for a clueless Commander in Chief who is so bamboozled by all the military people has surrounded himself with that he has enabled the often free wheeling and reckless spending (oft proven in the past) Pentagon to get what they want. Plus he rammed all these income cutting tax breaks up us without any bipartisan debate just before Christmas to pad his sorry ass ego without considering the huge detrimental effects on the deficit. But there's plenty of rah rah in his corner ready to come out on the 4th of July to cheer on a Championshop Wrestling meets Nazi/Commie-style highstepping and tank parade. Stupid & sick, but your ilk loves it, don't you baby?

  14. He wasn’t going to get any bipartisan support for tax cuts because Democrats believe that when anybody earns any money, it instantly belongs to the government.

    I take your non-addressing of my answer to you question about the military budget as tacit acknowledgement that you understand what I said about outdated systems and low troop levels.

  15. I addressed it. What does I figured as much mean to you? Oh, Infigjred as much. Weird how all the dire threats are becoming so much more dire under the Andrew Jackson of the 21st Century. Expect to be ecstatic over a lot of enemy kill, which since the 20th Centiry means lots and lots of collateral ala civilian kill. Let's roll! Fire 🔥 & Fury!
