Thursday, October 5, 2017

It's not even 8 AM, and I've already found your must-read for today

It's George Neumayr's "The Unserious 'Serious' Discussion About Guns" at The American Spectator.

It's about far more than that specific issue.

I'll tease you with a few money paragraphs:

The philosophy underlying liberalism is at once totalitarian and relativistic. It proposes more government and less morality. It laughs at the mustiness of the Ten Commandments, then demands respect for a flurry of new laws. It scoffs at old codes of self-control, then presses for “gun control” and greater state controls on this or that freedom.
And this:

Conspicuously absent from all the sanctimonious lectures on gun control this week was any grappling with America’s cultural meltdown, which is the most comprehensible explanation for a spike in mass shootings even as laws and restrictions multiply. Indeed, the loudest voices for gun control come from the degenerate cultural forces most responsible for that meltdown. They demand that America “get serious about gun control,” even as they get less and less serious about the values and institutions most essential to the preservation of civilization. Educrats who have decimated America’s public schools profess shock at an increase in “school shootings”; late-night hosts who roll out the red carpet for blood-and-gore stars wonder at the “glamour of violence”; an elite that prides itself on destroying the traditional family is aghast at the rise of so many mass-shooting misfits who come from “broken families.”
 And this:

Beware of the word “sensible” in the mouth of statists. It is what they say right before they violate a right. Obama’s call for “sensible conscience protections” foreshadowed his fiat violating the consciences of all employers by forcing them to cover the abortifacients and contraceptives of their employees. “Sensible gun control” foreshadows the destruction of the Second Amendment.

The cultural meltdown is glaringly obviously at the root of post-America's  ills.

We venerate coarse language, mob violence, bizarre sexuality, feelings over reason, and ugliness in our "art." We have come to take the notion that government should be about "providing services," a notion that would be utterly foreign to the Framers of our Constitution, as a given, resulting in a general dependency mindset among the populace, resulting in an erosion of the American character and a level of debt that is inexorably going to lead to disaster.

Most of all, we have given the finger to almighty God. The culture mocks and persecutes Christians, and while our Lord told us that such would be the case, there is no doubt that it signals the end of the great American experiment.

Anyway, as we always say in the blogosphere when we're excited to share important insights, read the whole thing.

And by the way, take the time to watch the linked short Prager University video featuring AEI's Nicholas Eberstadt.


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