Monday, October 30, 2017

The current juncture in the Mueller investigation in a nutshell

Dan McLaughlin at NRO:

This entire story is the perfect storm of an aggressive and devious foreign regime, a Republican nominee of low character surrounded by inept and naively cynical amateur advisers, and a Democratic nominee who was heedlessly reckless with national security out of partisan paranoia. Secretary Clinton exposed herself to what amounted to easy Russian blackmail, and everything else that happened followed from that.
And, given the state of our culture, we probably shouldn't expect a better choice next time.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We know we're entering rarified territory indeed when the rock lyrics come out.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I should have known, no time for anything but prose in Caesar's realm

  5. Recent Examples of regard from the Websters Dictionary
    The memos collectively depicted a president who had little regard for the traditional firewall between the White House’s political operations and the Justice Department’s criminal investigations.

    "Robert Mueller's First Charges," 27 Oct. 2017
