Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Because the MEC regime didn't bother with earning our adversaries' and enemies' respect early on

Senior officials in Syria and Iran say Israel gets it if we let loose with the missiles.  Israelis are taking it seriously.  They're stocking up on gas masks.

Russia and now China warn of "catastrophic" consequences of the West acting without consulting the UN Security Council.

And Saudi senior intelligence official Prince Bandar has offered Russia an odd but disturbing half-extortion-half-bribe scenario if it drops its alliance with Syra.  He says he can make Russia an irreversibly major player on the world oil market, but then adds this:

 [H]e also hinted at Chechen terrorist attacks on Russia’s Winter Olympics in Sochi if there is no accord. “I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us,” he allegedly said.
Prince Bandar went on to say that Chechens operating in Syria were a pressure tool that could be switched on an off. “These groups do not scare us. We use them in the face of the Syrian regime but they will have no role in Syria’s political future.”

When you don't do the right thing early on, doing the right thing late in the day can have unsavory consequences.


  1. Obama was famously critical of President George W. Bush for starting a war in Iraq without the support of international allies and has spent his administration trying to extract the United States from wars in the Middle East.

    But, although you will have likely fodder over fuck-ups, Chuck Hagel on Syria: U.S. Ready to Go

    The defense secretary says U.S. is in position for military action.

    Read more at http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2013/08/27/chuck-hagel-on-syria-us-ready-to-go?src=usn_fb

  2. Plug your ears. This may get loud.

  3. I am not in to the noise of war. Surely Obama is not going to engage the Syrians without at least running it through the UN Security Council. Russia & China may say no, but then the line is drawn and we go in there with our other allies, OK? That will possibly have bellicose results as well. If Obama does not stay true to his principles, whether you agree or not, then what are principles for? Many voted for him at least the 1st time as a blessed relief from the Cheney & Rummieites whose ways you were either with or, if not, against. What manly men of war!

  4. The MEC has principles? Please tell me more.

    Looks to me like he's put himself in quite a pickle.

  5. If your grandchildren want to know how we blundered into Iraq, tell them you're looking at it. I suppose you will brag on the Pubs and diss the Dems, per usual. Same shit, diff day. Que sera...

  6. The pending action is as much intended to protect the president's credibility as it is the people of Syria.

    Read more at http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2013/08/27/too_little_too_late_syria_obama_chemical_weapons
