Saturday, August 31, 2013

Where the Syrian cluster-you-know-what stands on the last day of August 2013

A few thoughts, in no particular order, on the current juncture of the Syria situation.  It seems the US wouldn't be so completely behind the eight ball if we'd pursued a different course in a few areas:

Israel has been quite effective at thwarting the Assad regime's mischief for some time.  We'd be in a far better position if we'd acted like an ally to Israel over the last few years:

According to media reports, the IDF has conducted numerous strikes inside Syria to prevent the transfer of advanced weaponry, including missiles from Syria to Hezbollah.
Rather than assist Israel in its efforts that are also vital to US strategic interests, the US has been endangering these Israeli operations. US officials have repeatedly leaked details of Israel's operations to the media. These leaks have provoked several senior Israeli officials to express acute concern that in providing the media with information regarding these Israeli strikes, the Obama administration is behaving as if it is interested in provoking a war between Israel and Syria. The concerns are rooted in a profound distrust of US intentions, unprecedented in the 50-year history of US-Israeli strategic relations.

During that time frame, the Most Equal Comrade also should have been speaking sternly to Putin instead of volunteering to be his bitch.  Russia would not be treating us with at least quite such contempt at this point.

The Most Equal Comrade and his minions should not have been gutting the defense budget.  It would be nice if the Pentagon could pay for any Syria action out of its operating funds rather than having to go to Congress hat in hand for extra money.

We are experiencing UK PM Cameron's humiliation secondhand.  Did you know he is the first PM to have a call for military action turned down by Parliament since 1782?

NATO is not on board, either.

SO the MEC is going it alone, and hasn't done himself any favors given the way he's telegraphed his intention to respond inadequately.

And Nancy Pelosi's new hawk stance is rather rich, given her coffee klatsch with Assad during the W era.

So there you have it.  Whether the MEC regime does or doesn't lob missiles at sites in Syria, the Mideast is guaranteed to become yet more inflamed, the US and the West generally experience yet a further diminished stature on the world stage, and there is no justice for the thousand-plus gassed Syrians.

Feel free to use this the next time some Kool-Aid drinker attempts to defend the Most Equal Comrade's foreign policy.

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