Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Why we call them Freedom-Haters - today's edition

It's the kind of story that's starting to occur with sufficient frequency to be considered commonplace.  A baker, this time in Lakewood, Colorado, is approached by a homosexual couple about creating a cake for the "wedding."  The baker declines their business; they cuss him out, flip him off, and launch a capaign of vitriol on Facebook against him and his bakery.

Stories like this are the easiest proof to provide for why the terminology used here at LITD is neither over the top nor pulled from thin air just to indulge in name-calling.  The culture war in our society never faded away and is in fact raging with unprecedented ferocity.  The left uses stormtrooper tactics to try to stamp out the free market, Christianity, basic human decency and logical consistency.

It's true that the left has probably gone too far in the general public's assessment and will suffer in the arenas of politics and policy for its infantile brand of totalitarianism, but, as with any twilight struggle, you don't stop pounding your enemy until you're sure he is completely incapacitated.

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