Friday, July 6, 2012

It's on purpose - today's edition

As we know, culture precedes politics.  If proof were ever needed, the current state of the societies of Greece and California serve well as examples.  A populace that has opted for perpetual adolescence is going to get a government that, on the one hand, is going to see to all its needs and wants from cradle to grave (even long after it's doing so on borrowed money) and, on the other hand, is going to lead it around by the nose. 

The regime with its grip around America's throat has many instruments for ruining the nation at its disposal: the EPA, the Department of Justice, HHS.  The Department of Agriculture is one of its most insidious. It seems said department is sending agents into pockets of Appalachia to overcome "mountain pride" and get people to sign up for food stamps. Trying to convince folks of hardy Scots-Irish stock that government handouts for seeds for their gardens is what they should aspire to.  It's overt.  The regime agents speak of it this way themselves.

This is downright sinister.  "Mountain pride" is merely the colloquial from of the basic human urge to declare individual sovereignty and take charge of one's destiny.  They are telling us plainly now that they want to destroy that.

I wish there were a sufficiently effective countervailing force that could defeat what we're up against, but I'm not at all encouraged.

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