Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Two recent speeches . . .

. . . that reveal just how poisonously, radically socialist this regime is: The MEC's speech to the UAW, in which he ladled out hefty dollops of that "looking-out-for-each-other" dog vomit, and Tim Tax-Cheat Geithner's remarks asserting that being an American is a "privilege" and that high-income Americans got their status by being more "fortunate" than those without as much money.

Two more utterances of this menace with its fingers gripping America's throat that we need to be all over like a pack of hyenas on a wounded gazelle.


  1. I question the severity of this gazelle's injuries. GM, AIG and the banks are back, as is the Dow now, over 1300 for first time since May, 2008, with no cheers from bloggie who relishes every plunge and certainly posts a huge squak about it here, and polls show O with double digit lead over 2 Pub front runners.

  2. And these items tell us what about his hatred of freedom, as expressed by his stated determination to make coal-generated electricity and gasoline prohibitively expensive, his forcing of Catholic hospitals (or at least their insurance companies) to provide extermination of fetal Americans for free, the $13 trillion debt, the bankruptcy of Solyndra and several other "green" companies that pissed away our tax dollars, the accepting of the Chomsky book from Chavez, the sitting on his handes in June 09 while an uprising in Iran could have overthown that regime, the apology to Karzai, the attempt to demand that Israelis quit expanding the suburbs of Jerusalem, the creep in unemployment back up to 9 percent, the appointments such as Steven Chu, Valerie Jarrett, Van Jones, Cass Sunstein, Kathleen Sibelius and Lisa Jackson, and the takeover of student loans?
    You see, it's not whether the gazelle is wounded, it's that it ought to be. It ought to be killed.

  3. You seem to want more preemptivity but I don't think enough voters are itching for a return to that strategy now.

  4. TP darling Guv Rick Scott here in FL has a long long way to go a year plus into his promise to provide 13 mil jobs. That ought to indicate that its not a quick fix. Can't wait for his crushing defeat in 2014.

  5. Errata: make that 700,000 jobs in 7 years. How come he thinks he gets 7 years when you TPers have been on his ass like shit on a diaper since less than 3 months following his inauguration.
