Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Game changer!

Rick Santorum sweeps Colorado, Missouri and Minnesota.

Take that, all you Reasonable Gentleman Syndrome-afllicted, minimum-wage-advocating, AGW-believing, wonky, platitude-mouthing, oblivious-to-the-urgency-of-the-hour establishment types who fear a Republican party that actually stands for what it says it stands for.

I'll tell you what; money's a little tight around here right now, but I'm damn sure gonna find a few bucks to send to the last conservative running for president of the United States of America.

UPDATE: It was indeed a sweep, but it was also a trouncing of the RGS types.

This is huge.


  1. I know compromise is difficult for unreasonable gentlepersons but, it's been around long before you and will be around long after you. Unreasonable gentlepersons will not prevail in this election or any other, at least in America.

  2. We elected Dutch. Here in Indiana, we elect the likes of Mike Pence, Mitch Daniels, Dan Burton and Todd Young.

  3. I never knew Dutch did not ever compromise. Actually, all of the above have, at one point or another during their careers, especially Daniels.

  4. Oh, I see, just on core principles, well, can't blame me for thinking compromise means compromise, regardless of the issue. My bad, I guess...

    Mitch Daniels, While Hard On Obama, Stresses Compromise At CPAC By Don GonyeaFebruary 11, 2011, 11:00 PM

    The two-term governor lived up to his low-key reputation, with a speech that, while very critical of the Obama administration, also spoke of the need to reach out to independents and to compromise.

    Read more at:

  5. Do you conservative types get off on thinking that people fear you and your ideas? What's up with that? I hear a lot of that talk from Rush and the other roaring mouths.

  6. Well, there are certainly a lot of people who for some odd reason have a problem with our cherishing of freedom, dignity and common sense. See it as some kind of threat to - what, I'm not sure. Their need for power, perhaps?
