Friday, October 28, 2011

The underlying problem still looms

Mike Shedlock at Townhall says that this latest "deal" for bailing out Greece will fizzle because European banks and the ESFS still aren't facing the first law of economics: The money has to come from somewhere.


  1. The stock market sure was thrilled, but not a peep from you except when it tanks, then you blame anyone not in your camp.

  2. It would be nice if it came back around from the nowhere it went to back in 08 when the global financial meltdown occurred. Oh sure markets rise and fall and there are a myriad reasons for that, you seem to want to blame US Democrats, many blame the bankers and creative accountants, but we as a global society are still recovering. And your candidate(s) are having an easy go of it convincing people to elect them because they know the way to get that money back. Sure it has to come from somewhere, why not from whence it went?
