Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I just can't see this being a winning meme at this late date

The MEC is going to run his re-election campaign on a platform of blatant statism and telling the American people that it's great to be cattle.

And how's this for talking out of both sides of one's mouth? In the very same speech, he says Americans have lost their ambition and imagination.


  1. A great campaign slogan would be "Debt Relief in Every Pocketbook!" I see where Obama wants to provide mortgage and student loan relief too. I get it, don't pay your bills, a contract is not worth the paper it's written on nor does a signature to a promise mean anything any longer because what the heaven, he'll bail you out. He urged supporters not to get cynical, not to lose heart. Well I am, increasingly getting more and more of the former, never the latter, spoken as a cradle Democrat, whose party is swiftly leaving me, not me the party (I know, I know, I'm maybe borderline retarded. I did not vote for the man, believe me, but I do feel compelled to rail against the right's continuing negativity about everything as well. Call me, if not reasonable, wishy-washy, anything but Ishmael....

  2. And don't forget that he wants to do this bailing out with phantom money, since there is no real money left.

  3. You do blame the left that there is no money left, but the casino bankers are the real reason the world wide economy is tanking but your ilk continually defends them calling anyone against them Commies. And no, I am not at all under the spell of the OWS mob. It is the truth that derivatives, credit defaults and other wreckless behaviour on Wall Street as well as day trading and insider trading and "creative accounting" have come home to roost crapping all over the worldwide financial system. Great opportunity, though, for you anti-government and anti-social insurance types to claim those are the reasons there is, as you say, "no real money left."

  4. Er, make that credit default swaps up there. Credit defaults are what the peanut gallery does after their own individual wreckess spending (squandering?) which is actually good for goose and gander who make the widgets they buy, aint it? Will the IRS accept charge cards?

  5. Sorry, you are wrong. The economic illness besetting America since 2008 is due to politically correct and race-based housing policy. The fact that some reckless bankers worked out too-clever-by-half ways to try to make some money off of that is a side phenomoenon.

  6. Affirmative housing mandates only gave these financial crooks an opening. I suppose it's always caveat emptor, cops and robbers, what a waste of good minds to be so consumed with making a fast and very significant buck, but, heartless near-sociopaths that they all are to go into high finance, it's completely understandable. The dicks dicked us all dude!
