Monday, October 24, 2011

It's on purpose - today's edition

The U.S. will likely suffer a second credit-rating downgrade this year.


  1. I do try not to cuss too much here on this rightwing Christian blog but, you know, fuck Bank of America Merrill Lynch!

  2. I certainly have no warm feelings for BoA or any of the big banks. Small and local is nearly always better, certainly in the banking biz. The point here though is that the overall American economy - world economy - is in real danger because everybody is trying to devise fancy arrangements to disguise the fact that the money has to come from somewhere and this time, coming up with it is going to be very uncomfortable.

  3. Money has to come from somewhere, but back in '08 a lot of it from a lot of honest, hardworking middle class wallets went, well, where, if not nowhere. It just vanished. Vanisimo. Poof! Yes, the world economy is in real danger and perhaps the worst is even yet to come. This ain't no disco, this ain't no party, but this is America and we make good on our debts and downgraded credit ratings for US are absfuckingsurd!

  4. Re: making good on our debts: I don't see how we'll be able to if we don't get some real economic growth happening in this country.

  5. Wish we could turn back the clock, oh, 35 years or so ago when our manufacturing base began to leave. It started with steel. Foreign competition began to eat away at American products. They laughed at us driving rice burners. You'll blame the Dems of course. Or unions. But what we had there was one huge failure to communicate and cooperate. Now we're toast in your view until we get the right con in. You are right to capitalize on the negative numbers though. A no brainer. I personally have little confidence in your side either.
