Monday, June 6, 2022

Why post-America can't have nice things - today's edition

 This pattern recurs over and over these days. Some folks get together and start doing something good and right and then some idiot throws a wrench in the works, jeopardizing the entire undertaking. 

The January 6 investigative committee in the House is an excellent thing, and many of us have been looking forward to the upcoming public hearings.

But then this clown floats this garbage idea:

According to Axios, at least one Democrat on the committee — although maybe only one — is ready for that.

In multiple conversations among committee members,[Jamie] Raskin has argued that the Electoral College should be abolished — that if presidents were elected by a popular vote, this would protect future presidential elections against the subversion that Trump and his allies tried to pull off in 2020…

Cheney thinks the committee will burn its credibility if it pushes for radical changes like abolishing the Electoral College, according to a source with direct knowledge.

She also has joked to her colleagues on the committee that there’s no way the single at-large representative for the tiny state of Wyoming would support abolishing the Electoral College, according to another source with direct knowledge of the internal committee deliberations.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) has spoken up in the committee to concur with Raskin on the problems with the Electoral College, that same source added. However, Schiff is far more focused on changes to the Electoral Count Act — a reform that is much more likely for the committee members to agree upon.

Just dandy. Thanks for nothin', pal.

That's all the drool-besotted throne sniffers who ostracized Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for being on the committee are going to need to do their "see-what-we-mean?" schtick:

. . . needless to say, the party that’s lost every national popular vote since 1992 save one isn’t going to receive Raskin’s recommendation fondly. On the contrary, Republican voters will conclude that the January 6 committee was never really about accountability for the 2020 coup attempt but just a trojan horse for advancing Democrats’ preexisting voting-reform priorities. The congressional GOP is already set to spend the next month grasping for ways to discredit and distract from the committee’s hearings; Raskin chattering about abolishing the electoral college is a gift-wrapped opportunity for them to change the subject.

Maybe some saner heads among the Dems - wait, are there any of those with any influence? - can prevail upon Representative Raskin to shut his pie hole and stick with the committee's core mission.  

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