Saturday, September 5, 2020

Meanwhile, here's what Iran is up to

 I realize there's a lot on the nation's plate at the moment, what with all the interest in who Jeffrey Goldberg's and Jennifer Griffin's sources are, fresh unrest in Portland, and a surge in illegal border crossings,  but this really merits our attention:

The United States has evidence that Iran is stockpiling enriched uranium, the key component in a nuclear weapon, in direct violation of international restrictions on Tehran’s use of the fissile material.

Nuclear experts predict that Iran is now just 3.5 months away from the "breakout time," a measurement of how close the country is to having the technology and materials to construct a nuclear weapon. It also now has the fuel to potentially construct two separate bombs.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) disclosed on Friday that Iran has nearly doubled its stockpiles of enriched uranium, generating concerns about the country’s continued progress on a nuclear weapon. Iran granted the IAEA access to several contested nuclear sites that had previously been off limits. A report on Tehran’s nuclear activities was shared with the United States and other United Nations members.

It is just the latest attempt by Iran to breach restrictions written into the original nuclear agreement governing the amount of uranium it can enrich and keep in the country. Iran has also been building advanced ballistic missiles, contrary to U.N. regulations. The revelations about its uranium enrichment are likely to provide fresh grist for the Trump administration as it seeks to reimpose a set of international sanctions on Iran.

A State Department official, speaking to the Washington Free Beacon only on background, said the IAEA’s report "highlights Iran’s ‘significant nonperformance’ of its commitments under the Iran deal that led the United States to take decisive action to restore U.N. sanctions on Iran."

The official would not comment on specific claims in the report until it is made public by the IAEA.

However, the official said there is conclusive proof that Iran is violating its commitments under the nuclear deal.

Iran’s enriched uranium store "now exceeds by 10-fold the limit set in the [nuclear deal]," according to the Institute for Science and International Security, a nuclear watchdog group that has closely tracked the IAEA’s inspections. The group said "Iran's estimated breakout time as of September 2020 is as short as 3.5 months."

Now, the crowd that thought that the patty-cake that the US played with Iran during the Obama era, during which John Kerry repeatedly went back to Geneva and Vienna to subject himself to more abuse from Iranian foreign minister in his desperate bid to get the JCPOA inked, and didn't have much to say when, shortly after it was inked, Iran detained two US Navy boats and disseminated a photo of the crew on its knees, and continued to build missiles and fund terrorism will say, "well, this is what happens when we withdraw from that agreement."

But my question for them is this: Britain has nuclear weapons. Israel has nuclear weapons. India has nuclear weapons. Why are we not worried about any of them? It's pretty obvious. We know they're not a threat. None of those nations has said hostile things about us, or acted in a hostile manner to us. 

This is a pretty big development, and will be slipping in under the radar to become a front-burner issue by the end of the year. 

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