Thursday, September 10, 2020

Donald Trump does not have the chops to be our general in normalcy's war against the leftist agenda of remaking our society

 Look, I get that the leftist project of completely upending everything America - and the West generally - has been about is intensifying by the day. I get that identity politics has been rotting not only corporate America but its public-education infrastructure, and  even the infrastructure of our national defense. 

I understand that a Biden-Harris White House, bundled with a Democrat dominance of both chambers of Congress, would impose an identity politics-driven way of crafting both domestic and foreign policy. I understand that the impetus behind disempowering local law-enforcement agencies would gather momentum, because, as much as Joe Biden wants to make some kind of clear distinction between his defense of same and the defund-and-obliterate strain on his side of the ideological spectrum, he will be in no position to withstand the forces determined to shape American policy over the next four years. He has a history of, when push come to shove, kowtowing to those on his left, jut because he knows that's been the drift of his party as long s he's been in politics and government. 

For some, it's enough to drive one to the Trump-for-president button on the ballot come November 3.

Here's the problem with that:   in the slew of books that have come out this summer, such as those by John Bolton, Mary Trump and Bob Woodward, there is nitpicking be indulged in about the factuality of any of them, but in their sum total, they paint a picture of a horribly unqualified, incoherent, immature, bombastic and narcissistic figure who puts the economic stability, the world-stage standing, and the historical legacy of the United States in extreme jeopardy. 

He's not up to what his fans expect of him. He can't turn around the course of decline on which the country has been going back to at least the onset of the Obama era. For all the dependence on that tiresome MAGA slogan, he has no idea what has made America great and unique on history's stage. He doesn't have the slightest clue.

History will not look kindly on those who try to make him out to be some kind of visionary or hero saving America from a leftist onslaught. Those in subsequent generations blessed enough to have a grounding in the principles that have shaped actual, real conservatism will see that he let conservatism down in an unforgivable way.

It's probably too late in this election cycle for any of this to make a difference. We're either going to get four more years of his incoherence or a return to radical identity politics and redistribution. 

But the healthy way forward is acknowledging that. Trying to pretend that some robust reversal is possible is nothing but a cringe-inducing denial of the gravity of the present moment.

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