Thursday, May 7, 2020

Thursday roundup

The Justice Department has dropped its prosecution of Michael Flynn.

David French at The Dispatch has a comprehensive and well-thought-out-on-the-legal-and-moral-levels piece about the Ahmaud Arbery shooting in Georgia.

Great piece at the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission website by Andrew T. Walker entitled "How Religious Liberty Made Me a Baptist, Part 1."

Erick Erickson at The Resurgent has a balanced and carefully considered take on Shelly Luther, the Dallas hair salon owner who was sentenced to a week in jail.

Great piece by Rod Dreher at The American Conservative entitled "Mask Truthers." A taste:

Note well, though, that the mask truthers aren’t refusing to wear masks because they don’t believe they help. That might or might not be true, but it’s a defensible position. They’re refusing to wear masks because they see them as a symbol of social control.
This is not the kind of conservatism I signed up for. In fact, one reason I consider myself a conservative is because, according to Russell Kirk, conservatism proper rejects ideological thinking. He wrote:
If there's a benign explanation for this, it had better come out quickly: the Trump administration has shelved the detailed CDC guidelines for faith leaders, business owners, educators and state and local officials re: reopening society. It basically fleshes out the federal-level three-phase plan that Doctors Birx and Fauci set forth a few weeks ago. For reasons that presently elude us, the White House has shelved this document. Indeed, it told agency scientists it "would never see the light of day." 

The president of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners was in the Oval Office - to be recognized for her role in addressing the pandemic - and she happened to mention that PPE availability had been sporadic in some areas of the country. The VSG immediately shot back, saying, "Maybe sporadically for you, but not sporadic for a number of other people, because I've heard the opposite." He then reinforced his attitude with a bit of body language, folding his arms as he bragged about how his administration had rebuilt the government's PPE supply after the previous administration had let it dwindle. The video is here

Great S.E. Cupp piece entitled "The President Is Not Well."

My latest at Precipice is entitled "An Absolutist Grapples With Ambiguity."

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